Chapter 58

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58: Visiting Gege’s School

Due to the upcoming Olympics, this year’s world championships grabbed tons of attention. Even though Lin Miao didn’t have much video time, she had everything to capture people’s attention in the quick moments the camera focused on her.

She was pretty. With her short hair, she was both the ferocious girl on court, and the cute little girl next door off court. The adorable contrast was irresistible.

She had an interesting personality, especially in the older competition footage when she was younger. She’d go into every game with a wide smile, which broadened even more when she received her award. She couldn’t even hold her lips together and skipped down the stage after the ceremony, melting all the aunties’ hearts.

Her skill was still the core of her popularity. She was undefeated and won the badminton championships with her left hand bleeding.

With word spreading like wildfire, even people outside the sports circle couldn’t help but click on her videos.

This resulted in the JingShui sister fandom multiplying in numbers by the minute. They were just too cute.

They were roommates ever since they enrolled in the sports school.

Everytime Tan Jing won a competition, the first thing she would do was hug Lin Miao, “Brother Shui, I won!”

And then Lin Miao would wipe off her sweat.

Since the two were still young and basically the same in terms of skill, there weren’t many arguments online. Everyone just envied their close friendship built on chasing their dreams.

Mu Qingqing placed the red flags the sports fans gave her and the signature they pulled her along to get in her closet. At the end of the day, she still kept them.

Lin Miao’s Weibo account remained unused and in secrecy. Only the Young Master and his mother knew of it.

However, she knew many human info booths. In their words, they were accounts advertising Brother Shui to pull more people into the sports circle.

This magnitude of attention attracted many advertisers to this new world badminton champion.

Lin Miao didn’t want to see others’ comments about her, but Tan Jing brought piles of sports newspapers back.

Lin Miao couldn’t continue reading after the first line. It was too embarrassing.

What a gifted girl, sports spirit, playing on with injuries…

She couldn't understand the slightest why everyone would rate her so highly.

Especially when they suggested that she would’ve won faster during the finals had she not slipped and fallen.

This is a major misunderstanding!

She wanted to meet the person who commented that and say to their face that her opponent was adept and it would take equally as long.

Lin Miao took a few days to stabilize her emotions and told Tan Jing to put the newspaper away and focus on practice.

Lin Miao decided to just cut herself away from the outside world for a bit to calm down.

But then, someone told her that she was invited to do a milk advertisement.

Lin Miao shook her head. “My coach said that I need to devote myself to practicing.”

She was trying so hard to erase herself from other people’s minds. If she accepted the offer, it would refresh their memories.

She wasn’t in need of money, either.

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