Chapter 99

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99: Having Waited for So Long

Apart from studying, Lin Miao also wanted to spectate Tan Jing's competitions.

It was finally her turn to watch.

Yu Jingxuan was more experienced in this field, so when Lin Miao commented that she was going to watch Tan Jing's competitions, he booked the flights and arranged everything else in advance.

So, this time, Yu Jingxuan didn't have to spectate alone, and he didn't have to be in the same space as his loved one without the chance to even have eye contact with each other.

Aboard the airplane, Lin Miao fell asleep right away. Yu Jingxuan picked up a book and started reading.

He quickly took a break to look at his beloved darling.

A year ago, he was on a plane by himself. He couldn't remember what he was thinking about then, but he knew that he was very satisfied now.

Lin Miao was beside him. Having been the star before the entire world, after being so acclaimed, having seen the excitement of the world, she came back to him, the same person as before.

He felt his heart melt. Yu Jingxuan placed his book down and held onto the hand of the person sitting beside him, letting her sleep while leaning on him.

He felt that his schedule had been tightly packed for the past few years.

Lin Miao's hair was already shoulder-length. It looked great on her, and matched with her porcelain-white skin, she looked young and soft.

The first thing Lin Miao saw when she woke up was Yu Jingxuan's face, only centimeters away from her. Lin Miao kissed the corner of his lips and called, "Gege..."

Yu Jingxuan restrictively kissed her forehead and suppressed his feelings.

Yu Jingxuan had reserved a hotel room long ago. They shared a room for safety concerns.

Lin Miao had no comment. They had shared the same room when they were at the ski resort, too.

Lin Miao and Yu Jingxuan stored their luggage in the hotel before wandering outside.

She came here to compete many times, but she'd accompanied her team every time. Lin Miao had never wandered off back then, she would be busy preparing for her matches. When she finished with her matches, she would study the matches of other people, then fly back to China with the rest of her team.

She had never taken time to explore the streets of foreign nations. It gave off a magical feeling.

She didn't know any of the pedestrians, but it felt oddly peaceful.

They didn't call Tan Jing. Having been here before, Lin Miao knew that she was training for her matches right now.

Reminiscing about her past competitions, she wondered, had Gege stood on the streets by himself?

Alone like this on a street full of strangers.

Just to watch my game the next day.

Lin Miao's eyes were a bit hot, her heart damp.


"Hm?" Yu Jingxuan looked at her, a smile on his face.

Lin Miao shuffled closer, kissing him. Then, she pretended that nothing happened, saying, "Nothing, I just wanted to call Gege."

Yu Jingxuan felt the sweetness in his heart surge, but he tried to keep his serious composure, only responding with a sound of affirmation.

The two then went to eat at a Chinese restaurant before returning to their hotel.

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