Chapter 73

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73: Going to the Library with Gege

For the first time ever, Lin Miao couldn't wake up early in the morning.

It was the second day of her winter break at home, and her menstrual period had started. She usually didn't feel much, but this time, it made her head feel dizzy and swollen. She also felt a dull ache in her stomach. It wasn't excruciating, but made her extremely uncomfortable.

Her mother boiled her some brown sugar water. She also plugged in an electric blanket to let her sleep longer.

Lin Miao felt a lot better after she drank the sugar water. She then woke up and noticed that the Young Master had messaged her.

Lin Miao immediately replied back.

The Young Master sent another message: "Wanna go to the library today?"

Lin Miao wanted to continue her studies in the future, so she told him that she wanted to read more books in the library over the break.

She still felt a bit unwell, but Yu Jingxuan's message gave her the tenacity to go outside.

She crawled up from her bed and headed to the bathroom to wash her face and hair.

"Don't wash your head." Lin Miao's mother came out of the kitchen right as she stepped out of her room. "It's bad for your recovery. Plus, your hair's not oily. Since you're off for the next week or so, you won't sweat as much, so you don't need to wash your hair everyday."

Lin Miao listened obediently, then said, "Mom, I'm going to the library to read in a bit."

Lin Miao's mother was curious why she wanted to head out to read, "Why don't you read the books at home? It's cold outside."

"I can't concentrate at home, I'd want to fall asleep again. Everyone will be reading in the library, so it'll be a lot better."

Lin Miao's mother thought for a moment, "Okay then, just wear some extra layers."

Lin Miao wasn't fastidious when it came to dressing up. Her only preference and judgement so far was that dresses and skirts looked pretty.

Everything else was the same to her.

Lin Miao's mother was much more considerate. She searched through Lin Miao's closet to assemble a warm outfit for her. She first picked out a winter shirt, then a pretty lining, a thin coat to go over the two, and finally a winter coat on top. She also came out with a skirt and black leggings.

Lin Miao couldn't understand why she had to wear two layers of jackets.

"It'll be freezing outside, especially with all the wind. However, there will probably be air conditioning inside the library, so it'll feel just right if you take off this outer layer when you get to the library." Lin Miao's mother explained.

She proceeded to sort out Lin Miao's short hair. She still grieved a bit over her daughter never being able to wear her hair long.

But she couldn't take her eyes away from her, and how she had grown up.

Lin Miao's mother put a hat on Lin Miao, "When you get a bit older, mom will teach you how to dress yourself and wear makeup."

Lin Miao: "..."

"Everyone else says that appearance is not important but rather your personality, but no one would care about your personality if you don't have a good appearance..." Lin Miao's mother patted her daughter's head. Luckily, her daughter was born pretty.

The only worrying part was that she was still a bit too naive.

Lin Miao's face reddened. Looking into the mirror, did... she count as pretty?

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