Tanjing's Extra 2

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Most awkwardly, they were assigned to the same group.

Probably to grab more attention and spice up the show, all the groups consisted of a male and a female.

To appear better on camera, someone even helped put light makeup on her. Even though it wasn't much, it was still weird to someone who acted to their hearts' desire and never put on makeup.

Then, she saw Li Juan. Mhm, her heart was toppled, very unbalanced.

He also had on what could be considered as 'light makeup'. There was barely any difference. One couldn't even tell that he was wearing makeup.

Since they were being filmed, she couldn't say much.

Quickly, everyone embarked on their trips.

Since they were partners, Tan Jing greeted Li Juan.

"Mhm, hello." Li Juan was a bit shy, but continued, "Do you still remember me? We filmed an advertisement some time ago."

"Yep." Tan Jing was surprised that he also remembered her.

But it was still very awkward, as they were pretty much strangers despite the advertisement.

"Let's plan out our route," Li Juan said. "We should take a bus to the train station, and then try to make enough money at the station for two train tickets."

Li Juan's voice was a bit shaky...

Tan Jing turned around, looking at him, "Are you cold?"

Li Juan's face reddened. "No, no. Are you? We can get a hot drink."

Of course Tan Jing wasn't cold. She still had her athleticism, like those who could run outside during winter wearing only a shirt.

"You should get one." Tan Jing really thought that Li Juan was freezing.

His voice was trembling.

Following them were a few cameramen, a director, and Li Juan's assistant.

But naturally, they weren't allowed to help.

The two went to the nearby milk tea store for a hot drink.

Then, they saw the prices. They started from thirteen, fourteen, eighteen, nineteen, and the most expensive juice even went up to thirty.

The two poor people who had two hundred dollars between them: "..."

"Let's start running then, that'll warm us up," Tan Jing suggested.

Originally, she was worried that her superstar partner might not listen to her as he would enjoy much freedom in his day-to-day life.

However, he nodded, seemingly serious. "Okay."

So, the two started running.

The cameramen and assistants behind them: "..."

Many passersby had been watching them, but they were all kept back by the program staff.

After a bit of running, they stopped to rest on the side of the road while waiting for the program staff to catch up. The two seemed to be much closer to each other, possibly from running side-by-side.

"How are we going to make money next? How good is your singing?" Tan Jing asked.

If he sang well, they could invest their two hundred dollars in an instrument. Wait... Can you even afford one with two hundred dollars? They could make some money from busking.

Li Juan was a bit frustrated, "My voice sucks, otherwise my company would make me be a singer already."

So, he was good at acting, and she was good at badminton. There wasn't much to make money in between them.

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