Chapter Two

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Mary was the first to get dropped off at her school, letting Ben kiss her on the head. He wished her a great day before she slid out of the truck and slung her heavy backpack on one shoulder.

As soon as Mary shut the door, Claudia was climbing back into the front seat.

Ben ducked his head out of the way, as if he might get kicked. "You know, you have a perfectly good door to your right. You should try it sometime," he said, sarcastically, watching the sixteen-year-old, who was quite tall and could play for the WNBA if she wanted to.

Claudia landed on the seat. "Nah, I prefer doing it this way." She then explained how she would have to get out of the truck and then get back in, and how much of a hassle that would be.

Ben just sighed. "Just put your seat belt on." He looked for cars, letting a mom go first before pulling away from the curb behind her and followed the mom out until Ben was back on the main road.

He noticed Claudia was already slouched in her seat with her knee up against the dash. "You know, if we get into an accident and the air bags shoot out, your leg's snapping in two."

"Huh, good to know," was her reply, as if it was some eye-opening discovery.

"Well, we had a guest speaker show us these graphic depictions of car accidents in driver's ED when I was in school."

Claudia scrunched up her face as if in thought. "When was that, when the car was invented?"

Ben glanced her way, keeping most of his attention on the road ahead. "I'm not that old, you know." To be fair, he also thought thirties was old when he was around her age.

She snickered at that a little.

There was a moment no one said anything until Ben broke it, thinking about this morning.

"Listen, I know you like to joke around. We all like to have fun." He shrugged, leaning on his door while controlling the steering wheel with the same hand. "But there's a time and place for it, okay?"

Ben glanced her way again, but Claudia didn't say anything that time. She just chewed on a nail. "Doesn't that taste gross having nail polish on your nails?"

She quickly shrugged it off. "For a second, until you spit it out. But, then again, I'm used to it."

Ben stared ahead, thinking about that. The thought still grossed him out, but let it be and told her to at least spit them out the window.

Getting back to his original thought, Ben continued. "Anyway, you're our oldest right now and a possible example for Mary and Miguel, and anyone else that may come along. You get what I'm saying?"

Claudia stared ahead. "Sure."

"You're not in trouble or anything." Ben took a deep breath in. "It just would be nice to not have to rush all the time in the morning. Or, at least now and then," he added afterwards.

Claudia was silent again.

Ben let her be for now until he eventually pulled into the high school's drop-off area, stopping by the curb where several groups of students were socializing amongst themselves.

Claudia did not get out of the truck, though. "God, I hate this place," Ben heard her say under her breath.

He noticed her gaze on a particular group of girls. One even looked Claudia's way and motioned her head in her direction, causing the group to snicker.

Ben switched his arm from the door to drape on top of the steering wheel and leaned his other arm on the middle compartment. "They been giving ya a hard time?"

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