Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Aside from writing in their journals, both Thursday and Friday were chill days. The kids finally got to watch Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory since they were finished reading the book and taken the test on Wednesday. Mr. O'Reilly had planned the lessons that way for the short week. Not that much work would have gotten done and he didn't want any of the kids to feel rushed. 

Kimmy didn't bring Chester, though, not wanting to risk losing the only toy she had with her. Lucy shared her Star Wars blanket she brought both days. Even after the playdate, the girl wanted to be friends. Kimmy couldn't understand why Lucy was sticking around this long.

After school, the girls waited by the flagpole. Lucy talked about what she liked and didn't like about the movie, and how she preferred stuff like Star Wars. Kimmy just stood there, listening, running her foot along the scattered dirt that had been kicked onto the sidewalk over time.

Not having to pick up all the kids, Ben arrived sooner than he did in the afternoon. Though he still had to deal with the parent traffic. When Mary and Kimmy climbed into the truck, he asked if there was anything they wanted to do before Claudia and Miguel got out of school. Kimmy would have rather gone home, but Mary wanted to go see a movie since she and Miguel had their visit with their aunt later that evening and wouldn't be home for movie night.

Kimmy shrugged it off when Ben asked if she was okay with seeing a movie. The movie wasn't so bad. The latest superhero movie was still playing in theaters. By this point, there was hardly anyone in the theater they were in. So, Ben didn't make too much of a fuss when Kimmy wanted to sit two seats from them, other than promising he didn't smell. It wasn't anything against him. Or Mary, for that matter. Kimmy didn't want to accidentally brush shoulders with anyone and wanted her own space.

She sat there quietly sipping on her root beer while watching the movie. Like with Star Wars, Kimmy hadn't seen much of the superhero movies, either. Both of them were okay and weren't bad movies. She probably just wouldn't see them on her own. 

Ben had gotten the large popcorn for the three of them to share. Kimmy ate some, but she never liked popcorn much, either. It was too buttery for her and made her thirsty a lot. 

By the time the movie was over, it was close to the time to pick up Claudia and Miguel. Ben stopped by one of those taco places to get a burrito for each of them on the way, especially since he and Kimmy hadn't eaten much of the popcorn. He had gotten a refill before they left the theaters, so Miguel had something to snack on while they ate lunch, waiting for Claudia's school to let out.

Once Claudia came out of the school, she was walking with Jake. When she spotted them, Claudia turned to him and kissed him before making her way over to the truck. On the way, she passed the same group of girls who snickered at her.

One of the girls played off as if she was dumping out the rest of her water from her hydro flask, but pointed it so the water splashed Claudia right as she walked by. The entire group bursted out laughing as she wiped the water from her face.

Out of the corner of her eye, Kimmy noticed Ben stiffen in his seat as if he was holding back getting out of the truck, clutching the door handle.

Claudia glared at the girls, but spun on her heel to storm the rest of the way, ignoring them as they continued laughing. She waved Mary off when she offered to let her have the front seat and opened the door to the back, telling Kimmy to scoot over.

Kimmy undid the seat belt and scooted to the middle and fastened that seat belt.

Ben offered Claudia some Kleenex tissue he kept in the truck, the only thing that was close to a towel for now.

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