Chapter Thirty-Five

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Ben got Samson's harness on him. As soon as Samson saw him head in the direction where his harness was kept, he happily hurried after meeting Ben there and spun around in circles. Once it was on, Ben led Samson to the front door, having him heel while he opened the door and while Ben locked up. 

Claudia was already waiting at the truck by the time Ben and Samson got there. Ben unlocked the doors and opened the back to let Samson hop in the back seat before sliding into his seat.

On the drive to the vet, Ben cracked the window so Samson could hang his head outside to enjoy the ride. But, not too much where something could happen, while the humans listened to country music. The station played music from the 90s to the present time, so both had music more familiar to them. Though Claudia didn't mind the older stuff. They even discussed the singers they liked and didn't like, and their thoughts on the music in general. 

Ben preferred the older stuff, but also didn't have an opinion on the newer stuff. The older stuff was what he just grew up listening to and was more familiar to him than the newer stuff. Claudia grew up with her grandmother playing the older country music, so she didn't have a preference. 

Curious, Ben asked, "Are you able to see your grandmother for the holidays? At least for the day?"

"As long as my caseworker sets up transportation, because sometimes they don't," she said with a sigh, while staring out her window in her usual slouched position. Her knee was propped against the side of the dashboard. 

"Well, I can make sure he does," he suggested. "Or Kayla or I can always drop you off and pick you up."

Claudia looked over at him, as if studying him. "Can I stay the night?"

"Unfortunately, that would have to be a question for Matt. I can't make that call."

She looked away again. Her arms were also folded lightly across her chest. 

At the next red light, Ben made a quick note in his phone to reach out to Claudia's caseworker for Thanksgiving, in the next week. 

He could not believe the holidays were upon them once again. The year had gone by so fast and none of the kids they started the year with were in their care. Ben wondered how James and the others were doing, and hoped they were doing well. They were great kids with unfortunate circumstances thrown at them. 

-- & --

Ben didn't have far to drive before he pulled into the parking lot of the shopping center the vet was located. He got out of the truck and told Samson to heel before opening the door enough to grab his leash and let him jump out. The three of them then walked up to the vet's office.

As usual, Samson happily greeted the girls at the front desk, placing his large front paws on the edge of the counter. One of them grabbed a treat from the cookie jar and offered it to him, who gladly took it. Samson dropped back down to enjoy his cookie while Ben signed him in.

While they waited for Samson's turn to be seen, Ben sat with him, giving him as much attention and love as possible. Claudia joined in, catching Samson's attention, and switched over to her. He ended up bringing some life into her as Claudia began to talk to him, getting him more excited and twirled in a circle as Samson followed her hands.

Ben felt himself smile widely as he watched the two of them play. He even noticed a little weiner dog from across the waiting room grow interested, its tail going as it stood straight on all fours.

Claudia's voice even got higher for a split second as she got into it. It was a shame when Samson's name was called and for a moment she was back to her reserved self while they followed the vet's assistant into the back.

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