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Ben and Kayla stayed up late that night to set out the stockings under the tree. With the presents Stella had sent over, she also included a stocking with candy and small gifts. So, that meant Kayla had to sort out the goodies they also had for Kimmy, with what was already inside. But not before tossing the stocking inside the washer when she noticed a weird, distinct odor she recognized off the clothes Stella had packed from Kimmy's very first visit Ben would need to make a note in his daily log for Kimmy.

There was mostly chocolate inside so she included a couple of the candy canes they got: one the regular red and white striped and a candy cane with a fruity flavor. The Switch game that was planned to go in the stocking, Kayla just set with the rest of the gifts under the tree.

While Kayla organized Kimmy's stocking, Ben worked on Claudia's. Even if she wasn't there Christmas morning and her grandmother would have gifts for her to open, they still wanted Claudia to have something when she returned. They also put together each other's stockings, along with a pet stocking for Samson.

During the process, Kayla noticed Ben was still quiet from the talk they had with Kimmy in the truck and asked about it. Now that Kimmy wasn't in earshot, she nudged him more to talk about whatever was on his mind. It didn't take long for her to figure out it was the same stuff he was struggling with before, that day in the garage.

At first, Kayla reiterated what she told him before, but then stopped herself. "You know what, hun. I could tell you this until I was blue in the face. But I realize what I had told Kimmy."

Ben stuffed the make-up products Claudia preferred to use into the stocking. "What's that?"

"We all have a journey in this life."

He looked up at her just as her shoulders rose.

Her back was to him while she wrapped a last-minute gift Kayla was including in his stocking. "I had to go through three break-ups and losing my dad twice before I believed how much God truly loved me."

"I'm trying, Kay." The words almost got caught in his throat at the same lame excuse he had given since they started dating.

Kayla taped the last flap down. She didn't say anything. He didn't blame her, though. All his life Ben had been called a whiny crybaby by others. Now it was even worse now that he was a man. She stuffed the gift inside his stocking, along with a couple of candy canes, and leaned it against a rectangular box labeled for him in gingerbread wrapping paper.

When she got up, Kayla kneeled beside him and kissed the side of his head, holding the back of it in her hand.

"Quit trying and just do your best, hun. Then watch what He does. He may surprise you."

Ben stared longingly into those beautiful brown eyes as his heart twisted in knots.

Once the gifts and stockings were ready, Kayla asked which of them would take a bite of the cookies and drink the milk she had put out with Kimmy before putting her to bed. Ben wasn't all that hungry but wouldn't mind a swig of milk. So, she agreed to take a bite of the cookie while also snagging one of the other two. She took a swig of milk herself but let Ben have the rest to not leave milk sitting out all night.

The next morning, Kayla woke Kimmy around seven while Ben made cinnamon rolls from a can. While the cinnamon rolls were baking, they at least checked the milk and cookies and opened the stockings first, with Kimmy going first. But not before grabbing a picture first and while Kimmy pulled everything out, Kayla filmed her from the phone to send to Stella.

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