Chapter Forty-Two

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Back at the house, Ben let Kimmy eat her lunch at the coffee table in the family room while she watched her YouTube videos on the TV. He also brought her some water to drink with her lunch and to help her hydrate after the meltdown.

Water was always something he was told to drink as a kid whenever Ben felt overwhelmed. "I used to call my mom to come pick me up. She would tell me to drink some water and I would be fine," he felt inclined to explain.

Ben filled a cup with crushed ice and water and brought it to place near her paper plate. "Water does help to an extent. But, that's why I let you kids stay home or come home if you need to."

Kimmy watched him until he took the plate that had kept the food covered.

He returned shortly, watching the video for a moment. "I talked to Leonard this morning. We had a chat about what happened yesterday, and..." Ben paused to take a deep breath. "Visits with your mom will be put on hold until further notice. Hopefully, it'll give your mom some time to continue doing what she needs to do so you and your brother can go home."

Kimmy had one of those pigs in a blanket up to her mouth. When Ben informed her of the plan, she stopped.

Ben watched her, now just staring at the mini hotdog. It was hard to tell if she was mad or sad or both. He wasn't sure what to say or do other than what he had said earlier. "I promise yesterday was not your fault, kiddo."

Kimmy didn't react. She just stared at the mini hotdog.

Of all the times for his phone to ring, it had to be now. Ben fished it out of his shorts pocket and looked at the screen to see Ariel calling.

He swiped to answer his cousin's call. "Hey, I'm kind of..."

Ariel basically jumped in to interrupt him before he could finish. "Who has two thumbs and scored Thanksgiving this year?" She added she was pointing at herself.

"Yeah, I got that," he said, knowing his cousin used the gesture often since she learned it at age twelve. "Wait. How in the heck did you manage to get Thanksgiving?"

"Oh, trust me. Your mom put up a fight," Ariel said. "But after Oliver and I scored this nice house this past summer, I knew I wanted to host a holiday dinner."

Ben motioned to Kimmy he would be right back to continue their conversation and headed outside to talk to his cousin in private, shutting the back door once he was outside.

"Besides, I hated not having you around last year. It's not Thanksgiving or Christmas without you."

"I missed you guys, too. But my mom has to learn it's not always me and Kayla anymore," he reminded her with a shrug. "Sure, I could find someone to watch the kids for a few hours or go alone. But then I feel like the rest of my family are being excluded."

"I get it, Ben," Ariel agreed. "That's why I fought so hard for at least one of the holidays. My house, my rules." The rule in their family was that whoever hosted a holiday or party at their house got to make all the rules of how things were run and that included the guest list.

Unfortunately, Ben's mom always seemed to be the one to host. At least for the holidays.

"I want you there, Ben. You and Kayla, and if that includes the kids, then no problem. The more, the merrier. Oliver and I got nothing to hide, so if we have to get checked out, we'll do it."

Ben snickered. "That won't be necessary. I appreciate the willingness, though."

"And we have a guest room on the far side of the house so if they get overwhelmed and need some time alone, they can hang out in there. There's a TV in there, with all the channels we get on the main TV. So? How about it? Can I put you down for two-plus?" she asked eagerly.

Hidden Burdens (working title)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora