Chapter Twenty-Four

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 On the drive home, Ben got a call from Leonard. He was at the house to check in with Kimmy. Most of the time, caseworkers call ahead of time to let them know, while other times it would be a surprise visit. This time was the latter.

Leonard's black car was parked out front when Ben pulled into the driveway. The older man got out with his zip folder tucked under his arm about the same time the kids piled out of the truck. Leonard greeted Ben when he opened his door, while coming up the driveway.

Miguel jumped out first, waving up at Leonard, and politely said hello. As any kid would do, he held up a macaroni art project he made in school, proudly showing it off even though that wasn't his case worker.

Miguel explained his thought process as Leonard complimented his macaroni art project.

Kimmy climbed out of the truck without acknowledging the man.

"Can you please at least wave and acknowledge Leonard? Please?" Ben asked, closing his door. 

She briefly stopped to look in Leonard's direction before following Miguel and the girls though the garage, watching the ground at her feet. He apologized to Leonard before heading after them.

Several questions had already been floating through his mind since yesterday about what had gotten into Kimmy all of a sudden. He chalked it up to what foster parents call "the honeymoon phase" being over, and now maybe she was testing boundaries to see what Kimmy could get away with. A lot of kids in care do it to see what the foster parent would do, whether consciously or subconsciously.

Despite being proper with first names, Leonard was laid back with the kids and did not take Kimmy's silence as an offense. He followed Ben, catching up to Kimmy, and asked how she was doing. It was Miguel who innocently said she didn't talk, trying to be helpful. Leonard appreciated the help, at least despite already knowing.

Samson greeted everyone at the door and everyone took turns giving him pets and rubs, except for Leonard. He let Samson sniff around his legs and feet.

Ben helped with the snacks while Kimmy had her one-on-one with Leonard first, who asked how she was doing, using yes or no questions, in the front living room. He returned while Leonard was telling her visits with her mom and brother would start soon and filled Ben in as well.

"Will I need to bring her or will the parent aide pick her up?" Ben asked, standing with his hands on his sides.

"Since Stella needs transportation, the parent aide has agreed to pick her up," Leonard explained. "The visits will be once a week for now at five P.M. Would you be able to bring Kimmy?"

Five P.M. would be cutting it close to about the time Kayla usually got home. Unless she was working late or had her women's group. Though he could always just bring Miguel along, and the two of them could go to a nearby park or grab something to eat somewhere. "How long will the visits start out? The standard one to two hours?"

"For now, about an hour," he said with a nod.

Ben nodded to confirm. He then turned to Kimmy to ask if she told Leonard about the friend she made at school.

"Oh? What's her name?" Leonard asked Kimmy as well, assuming right away it was a girl.

"Lucy," Ben answered when Kimmy hadn't and added he had just met the mom, the reason they were late getting home.

Like Jennifer, Leonard trusted Ben and Kayla's judgment and gave the say for Kimmy to have playdates with Lucy. Ben told Kimmy to go have her snack. While she was heading for the kitchen, he reminded her about being grounded from her tablet and included that meant TV and using the computer as well. 

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