Chapter Twenty-Three

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Kimmy was the last downstairs when everyone else was already in the truck. She couldn't even go downstairs to eat breakfast. Not because of her usual nervousness of going to school, but facing not only Mary, and even Miguel, as well. It took both Ben and Claudia each to coax her out of the room and downstairs. It took baby steps and holding onto the wall, as well, as if she was walking through a haunted house with ghosts who could pop out anywhere.

Normally, there would be a consequence for making everyone else late in the morning, but Ben assured he was giving her a pass for now. Despite how understanding he was with her, Kimmy felt an unease that wasn't how he actually felt and did not believe him. 

Once she got outside, she froze when her gaze landed on Miguel first.  

To her surprise, Mary no longer wanted to do anything to her and things seemed to be as it had always been. But Kimmy still felt a shockwave come over her as she climbed in and had to sidle in front of Miguel's legs to sit between him and Claudia. Mary's urgency also was no help, whom was on Ben's side, did not want to be late. 

Miguel also did not act upset with her and had even tried to move his legs out of the way while she was sidling by him. He did not sound hostile towards her and even held the seat belt fastener for her when Kimmy pulled the seat belt across her front after Ben reminded her. 

The ride to school was spent in silence, except for a morning radio program. Kimmy stared at the floorboards at her feet to avoid eye contact with pretty much everyone except Claudia, who, at one point, asked if she was doing okay. Kimmy lifted her gaze at the older girl to nod her head, stiffly.

Kimmy sat hunched over halfway on the seat when her gaze glanced up at Ben, who asked the older girls why they liked listening to and watching stuff with a whole lot of drama. Apparently, it was another "girl thing" he knew nothing about. Even to Kimmy, it sounded stupid.

It was a relief Mary and Kimmy were dropped off first.

By now, Kimmy was familiar where her class was. Even though it was still early enough to head to the playground first, or even grab breakfast from the cafeteria, Kimmy headed for her classroom instead. She sat at the same table she had sat on her first day and slipped off her backpack to pull out the book Kimmy had borrowed. 

She barely read half a page when Kimmy heard Mr. O'Reilly call her name. She flinched, twisting around in her seat to see him half in the doorway. He offered to let her come inside now if she wanted to.

"Good morning," Mr. O'Reilly greeted, holding his hand up with the palm facing her for the usual morning high five.

Kimmy timidly returned it, briefly halting so she wouldn't miss.

Mr. O'Reilly slowly let the heavy metal door close behind him. "How was your weekend?" he asked, genuinely interested. At least more than other teachers she had before.

Kimmy shrugged.

Mr. O'Reilly gave her a warm smile. "That good, huh?" It was probably meant as a playful jab at the way she responded, but Kimmy wasn't sure. He offered her a granola bar if she was hungry.

Kimmy accepted it when he held it out to her while she was taking out her pencil box from her backpack. While opening the notebook Mr. O'Reilly had already passed back to the students, he kneeled beside her desk.

"You know, I've been giving it some thought over the weekend. I noticed you still haven't been writing much in your journal. I have spoken with Ben about it and understand things have been difficult lately with the crazy transitions you've had to experience these last few months."

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