A New Foster Kid

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Claudia had gone straight to her room, without bothering with any of her gifts under the tree, and called her grandmother to complain to her first. Claudia's grandmother then called Kayla.

Kayla kindly and respectfully explained their house rules and their reasoning to the elderly woman, who only wanted to understand why her granddaughter couldn't keep her phone with her at all times. The grandmother was kind and respectful in return and accepted their reasoning. So when Claudia couldn't get her way there, she stuck to her original plan the following morning and called her caseworker. When he wouldn't budge either, she demanded to change foster homes.

David, her caseworker, said he would look into other homes. With how many times she moved, in the last two years alone, David was running out of possible homes willing to take a feisty teen like her as he referred to Claudia.

She at least thanked Kimmy for the Christmas card and pinned it on her bulletin board above her bed. If anything, the kid was the only one she willingly spoke to without an attitude.

Despite the bad attitude and rude remarks, Ben nor Kayla did not take Claudia's phone from her. Kayla had to check in every evening when they went to bed to make sure Claudia plugged in her phone with theirs and the girls' tablets. She wanted to have a heart-to-heart to understand Claudia's desperate attempts to keep her phone with her, but the girl kept it to her same "cuz it's mine" reasoning and Kayla had to assume it was just a teenager thing whether it was something under the surface or not.

Claudia refused to join them on Tuesday for dinner at Ariel and Oliver's house and Kayla didn't fight her to come. Instead, she promised to bring her back a plate of food.

Since everyone was probably sick of ham and turkey, Oliver made his special steak enchiladas dish while Ariel made Spanish rice.

Kimmy was surprised to receive more gifts when Christmas was over. She still made them each a belated card before knowing she was getting something in return. Ben had informed his cousin the kid had been playing her old Wii game, so Ariel had dug out an art book that was released for the game, along with an old plush of the wolf. She washed it first since the plush had been stored away in a closet and had that old, closet smell.

When Kimmy pulled the wolf plush out of the Christmas gift bag, she held a thumbs up out to the lady.

"Aw, you're welcome, sweetie," Ariel snickered, returning the gesture with her own thumb.

The book kept the kid occupied the rest of the evening while the adults talked over dessert. Maple curled up with her in the armchair. It was an adorable sight, Kayla snuck a picture of the pair.

-- & --

The girls returned to school with the holidays finally over, including a chill New Year's at home, bringing a whole new year of possibilities.

Claudia started her new job at a discount clothing store shortly after the semester started. She worked after school into the evening and on weekends. Since she got off after dark, Kayla volunteered to pick her up. Though Claudia had begun opening up to Kayla, she returned to speaking only a few words since the commotion over her new phone. Kayla didn't take it to heart, though, and continued the way she had been communicating with the teen.

Ben, on the other hand, was about ready to drop the rule in fear of losing what they had already gained. They had to stick to their guns though, and follow through, otherwise, Claudia would think she could get away with this kind of behavior.

Kimmy started her after-school art class the second week of the semester. Their afternoon routine changed now that they only had two kids to pick up and both had someplace to be. Claudia was picked up first but Kimmy had to be dropped off before her.

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