Chapter Twelve

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Kayla sent the kids downstairs for dinner while she stayed to talk with Mary in her room.

Ben handed both kids each a plate and helped them get what they wanted in their tacos. Tacos were Mary's favorite, having grown up eating them a lot with her family and had taught Ben after she tried his attempt. Since then, he made sure to make tacos the same the best he could.

Most of Ben's cooking came from helping his mom in the kitchen or helping his dad grill in the backyard during the summer. But his background never included Hispanic heritage, so of course it wouldn't be as authentic as Mary grew up with. But that was part of the beauty of being foster parents: learning about different backgrounds, including how each culture prepares food.

Miguel wanted "the works" in his tacos, including Spanish rice Ben made as a side Mary had also taught him how to make, while Kimmy only wanted meat and shredded cheese. Ben at least encouraged her to have lettuce, so she had some kind of vegetable. He and Kayla never forced the kids to eat something they did not like, but encouraged them to try new things. Ben had an uncle who made him and his cousins eat everything on their plates and were not allowed to leave the table until every last bite was gone. His parents went the "how about two-three more bites" approach. Kayla's mom was the one to go the "try it before you decide" approach that both she and Ben agreed was the better way. Unless the kid was allergic, of course.

Claudia came downstairs last while Ben was making his plate and passed her a plate once he finished scooping up cubed tomatoes. "Didn't we have tacos last Friday?" She asked, grabbing a couple of taco shells from the counter beside the stove.

"Yes, but it's Mary's favorite." Ben tried to leave it at that, but Claudia noticed the lack of Mary, who would have been the first one in the kitchen once dinner was ready. Heck, she would always be in the kitchen while the food was being made to help. "She'll probably be eating in her room tonight."

"What happened?" Claudia continued to pursue.

"Don't worry about it," he told her, reminding her if Mary wanted to tell her, she would.

That made Claudia set the plate down and hurry back up the stairs without another word. Despite the fighting that sometimes sparked, the girls really did care for one another, especially Claudia.

Dinner ended up being split up that evening, with Ben and the two younger kids eating first. Though, Kimmy ate at the counter again even when he encouraged her to join them, pointing out it was only the three of them this time.

Miguel reminded him to say what they were thankful for, so the two of them shared theirs.

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Kayla and the two older ones eventually came downstairs to eat as well.

On his way out of the kitchen, Ben wrapped a supportive arm around Mary, holding a kiss to her head, and asked how she was doing.

"Better," she said, but not super confident yet.

Ben rubbed her arm, reassuring it'll get even more better soon. He wasn't exactly confident himself, but wanted to put on a hopeful front for her.

While the girls ate their dinner, Ben got Samson's leash and harness to take him on his after-dinner walk. This time, he somehow persuaded Kimmy to join him and Miguel to show her the neighborhood. It was technically like any other suburban neighborhood, where every fourth or fifth house looked similar. Ben at least showed her the closest playground area.

Upon seeing the playground, Miguel happily raced off to climb the steps of the playset. He turned around to call Kimmy over, who was still standing there on the sidewalk surrounding the playground, with her hands dug into the pockets of her basketball shorts. She eventually stepped foot onto the sandy ground, but walked right past the playset and went over to the swings, where she pushed off with one foot.

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