Road to Recovery and Love

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Ben got up to return the forms he filled out to the receptionist sitting behind the glass. In return, she gave him back his pet insurance card and driver's license. Ben returned them to his wallet while the lady assured Ben would be notified when they knew anything.

He thanked her before turning around to head back to his seat. The adrenaline was now slowly coming down and the world seemed to not be running on fast forward. Ben breathed out when Kimmy caught his attention.

The kid sat there quietly, with her hands in her lap, staring into space.

Ben sat in the chair beside her while pushing on his knees. He moved them into his lap as well and stared at the reddish-brown tile floor.

"I'm sure Samson will be just fine." He was convincing himself as much as he was reassuring Kimmy.

That was his best bud back there. They've had Samson for several years now. He's been through a move from an apartment to a house, and the entire process of becoming foster parents and meeting quite a few kiddos. Samson was still a happy dog through it all. It was as if Samson had a lot of love to share just as much as Ben did. 

They were warned there were risks involved, having a pet while fostering when there were no guarantees about what kinds of trauma-related behaviors these kids would have. It was a reality Ben could not wrap his mind around. Not when these kids needed a safe place to stay while things got sorted with their families, especially when animals can be healing for some.

Ben wanted to put his arm around the kid but then remembered what happened when he tried that at the review hearing. Instead, Ben sat beside Kimmy, hoping his presence was enough.

He eventually broke the silence between them. "Don't blame Calvin for all this. Okay, kiddo? I know what he did was wrong. But you kids have been through stuff no kid should ever have to go through and you weren't taught how to process those feelings." Ben fidgeted with his hands in his lap, thinking about what he was taught himself. "Anyway, that's how I am able to forgive."

Kimmy didn't look at him. Or even move at all. He couldn't tell if she was in shock or maybe just numb. Then Ben remembered what he had learned about Selective Mutism, and wondered if Kimmy was anxious to show any emotions. She certainly was back at the house. That outburst had literally come out of nowhere.

Either Kimmy really loved Samson or there were emotions that were finally spilling out that were kept locked inside for too long.

Or both.

The wait at the emergency veterinary hospital was long. As soon as Samson came to, the doctors ran some tests and performed a thorough examination to determine all of his injuries.

At one point, Ben called home to check in and see how everyone else was doing. Kayla had ended up chasing Calvin down the street when she tried to talk to him about why he did what he did, and John helped bring the kid back to the house where they watched cartoons together to help calm Calvin down. 

Kayla assured him she had written up the Incident Report for Ben. It was apparent Calvin had some pent-up aggression and anger from the abuse he suffered growing up, that needed to be dealt with if he was hurting other kids and animals. She suggested that they possibly weren't the best place Calvin needed to be at the moment.

"What are you saying?" Ben asked, though he already had a guess.

"What I am saying is, maybe we should let Rose and Calvin's caseworker know he may need more help than what we can give him," she explained.

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