Regrets and a Party

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Dinner was called around six after John got home from his theater club. He came from the kitchen just as Kimmy was slowly coming down the stairs, sliding her hand along the banister.

"Hey, Kimster." John held his hand out for a fist bump, which Kimmy barely returned. Not because she was mad at him this time. Kimmy just could not muster that much strength it took.

Like Claudia, John also caught something was wrong. He didn't push her to talk, he did kneel to her level to look up at her instead.

"It didn't go well today, huh?"

Kimmy shook her head, feeling the emotions return once more. She tried to quickly wipe them away.

"Hang in there," she heard John tell her, gently. "Sometimes blessings just get delayed."

Kimmy forced her eyes to meet his.

"Do you need a hug?"

She hesitated at first but felt herself nod her head.

John opened his arms to invite her in, letting Kimmy make the first move on her time. Kimmy moved but briefly stopped before grabbing onto him. To her relief, John didn't have any strong, overwhelming smells on him except for a hint of the laundry detergent they used, from his short-sleeved flannel shirt John wore over a white T-shirt he left unbuttoned. So she was able to hold the hug a little longer than she did with Claudia.

The kid still needed to push away, though.

"So, I can't hug you anymore but he can?"

Kimmy spun around to look up just as Claudia was coming down the stairs.

"Ouch, kid." There was a playful sarcasm in her tone. Kimmy could also catch some hurt, as well.

John rose just as Claudia stepped off the last step. His nose wrinkled. "Have you considered maybe it's the way you smell?"

"Are you saying I stink?" Claudia shot at him, defensively.

"All I'm saying is, I think you went overboard on the perfume, or whatever you sprayed on yourself." John looked to Kimmy to ask, "Right, Kimster?" He chuckled.

Kimmy would not answer. She wanted to, but if she said yes, Claudia might be upset for thinking she stunk. But if Kimmy said no, then Claudia would think she suddenly hated her and preferred John when she didn't.

The heaviness of both sets of eyes on her, made Kimmy tense up and feel smaller than she already was compared to the teenagers. All Kimmy could do was stare at the floor.

Samson came over to lick her hand Kimmy held pinned at her side.

Thankfully, Claudia backed off, proclaiming she was only joking with them and that Kimmy could hug whoever she wanted. She then headed into the kitchen, asking about dinner.

Kimmy was the last one standing there, unable to move, except to pet Samson.

Kayla came down the stairs after a few minutes. "Aren't you gonna eat, sweetheart?"

As if to respond itself, Kimmy's stomach growled, having not eaten since breakfast.

Kayla offered to reheat Kimmy's lunch since they were having leftovers.

Kimmy slid along the wall at a snail's pace until she reached the end and peered into the kitchen. Kayla was already standing at the microwave, waiting for Kimmy's food to reheat.

Kimmy looked around the kitchen where everyone else was already sitting at the table, eating. When her gaze landed on Claudia, her head snapped away and stared through the back door where she decided it would be easier sitting outside then at her usual spot. Kimmy kept her gaze downward while opening and shutting the door behind her and went over to sit at the patio table.

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