Chapter Twenty-two

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Miguel was informed visits with their aunt would start on Friday that afternoon when they got back to the house. He was still nervous. Kayla reassured that what he was feeling was valid and offered to read some children's books they had in their collection about emotions. They also had a few books on the topic of kids having to be in foster care.

Kimmy had stumbled into the room while Kayla was reading and was invited to join them to help her understand what was going on with her situation as well. It was Miguel who suggested starting over so she could hear the beginning of the story when Kimmy made her way over to sit on the end of the couch. While Miguel snuggled up with Kayla, Kimmy kept her space and remained on the edge. Both listened to the story.

After listening to the story, Kimmy curiously checked out the other books on the shelf. Most of them were books from Kayla's childhood, so there were a lot of Little House and the Prairie books, and Lizzie McGuire as well. There were books given by friends and family, or found in the clearance section when Ben or Kayla were out shopping. Kayla was an avid reader, so she had spent a lot of time at bookstores, and came across most of them over Ben.

Kimmy read a lot of the easy reader and short books first. Until a chapter book caught her attention. At first, she dog-eared the page to mark her place and would return the book to the shelf. Ben noticed Kimmy had continually gone back to the same book and informed her she could take it to her room as long as she brought the book back once Kimmy was finished.

Once Kimmy was sure she wasn't tethered to keeping the books near the shelf, she began taking a book with her in the truck, to school, even to Miguel's birthday party.

The party was originally going to be at an indoor trampoline park, but Miguel insisted that wasn't where he wanted his party. So, they went with his second favorite place: an indoor arcade with a giant rat walking around saying hello to kids.

With permission from Jennifer, Ben and Kayla invited Rosa, who asked for his size in shirts and pants, and asked Miguel what kind of toys he liked during their first visit.

The visits were set up for Friday evenings, which Rosa brought food so they could have dinner together at the building family visits took place. Mary and Miguel were picked up by a parent aide to start off, despite Ben offering to drive them there, and would take Claudia and Kimmy out to eat somewhere until the visit was over. It was something they did with their first group of kids if a visit took place in the evenings. Jennifer figured it would be easier on everyone this way. Unlike the visits with Ivan, that were during the day when the other kids would be in school. Rosa had made enough for leftovers and insisted Mary take it home to share with Ben and Kayla at least, especially when they had included their aunt to Miguel's party.

Hayden was also invited, along with some kids from Miguel's Sunday school and preschool class who were always nice to him.

Grandma Joy and Kayla's brother, Dalton, and his girlfriend came. Ben was relieved his cousin Ariel and her husband happily accepted his invitation. Miguel could not believe the turnout when he saw how many people came to his birthday party. It was usually just him, Mary, and their dad on his birthday. The kid made sure to thank every single person when they arrived with a big hug.

Once Kimmy was given a cup full of tokens and told to "go have fun," she spent the time wandering around until she found a game she wanted to play. The few shooter games the place had, there were already kids playing. The place wasn't packed, but there was still a fair share of people for a Saturday, where she found herself watching others play more than playing herself.

When they were clear, Kimmy played a lot of the basketball game where Ben found her to let her know the pizza had arrived. Even though she missed a few, he continued to offer the suggestion of playing on a team and to challenge her himself. There was a disadvantage of height and longer limbs, but Kimmy didn't do too badly against him. Also, he was a little rusty, having not played since James stayed with them. Ben shared the tickets he won with her, at least.

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