[1] Mistress

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Callista's POV

As I was reviewing the documents detailing the proposed budget for the new year, I heard a soft knocking on the door. A soft voice I've come to admire spoke, hesitant.

"Your Royal Majesty, it is I, Countess Cana. I come bearing a letter addressed to you."

"You may enter." I smiled as I heard the door open. Not looking away from the documents, I scrawled a few changes to the proposal as I continued, "Who sent the letter?"

The smaller woman bowed, offering the letter in my direction as she answered. "The Eastern Empress, your majesty."


Ah, yes. The New Year's ceremony will happen next month. This must be the invitation. Failing to conceal my joy, I acknowledged the Countess, setting my stationary down and taking the letter. An expression of warm affection graced my features as I eyed the Empress's seal. Finally, I thanked the Countess.

"You have my thanks, Countess Cana. Is your family doing well?" I smiled gingerly at her, still just holding the letter in my hand. She smiled in response.

"Yes, your majesty. The Count and our daughter are doing well. She is a beautiful, healthy child, all thanks to your blessing." I had indeed blessed the child before her birth, as she was the child of my dear friend and lady-in-waiting, Countess Dalia Cana. The Count and Countess had been having some difficulty in birthing a child, so I blessed the unborn baby once they finally conceived one. The baby was born with little difficulty, and had her mother's ginger hair and her father's silver eyes. A truly beautiful child.

"I have much hope for her future. I look forward to the day she makes her debut in high society." I continued, "Countess. I ask you a favor."

She perked up at this. Bowing, she replied, "Of course, your majesty. Your wish is my command."

What a loyal woman. I am truly blessed to have someone such as her to assist me. "Take these modified documents to the Minister of Wealth, please. Afterward, take your leave. You should be spending time with your husband and newborn, not with me and my paperwork."

Tears brimmed her eyes. "Your majesty-"

"No objections," I smiled. "You have been diligently serving me for well over ten years now, and you've given birth just a few weeks ago. You deserve rest. Spend time with your love, and with your child." I handed her the documents and she bowed once more.

"Thank you, your majesty. Truly. I will write to you regularly regarding my daughter's health."

"I look forward to reading your letters." She stood fully now, and turned heel to leave my study. Once the door was shut, I once again directed my attention to the sealed envelope. Even her seal was beautiful. Drawing a letter opener from my desk drawer, I sliced the top of the envelope open. I read the invitation, savoring every word that was written in her handwriting.

'To Her Royal Majesty the King of Cordelia,

It is with honor and humility that we the Eastern Empire invite you to celebrate the coming year.

We hope to hear of your attendance.

May our two nations continue to have peaceful relations.


Empress Navier Ellie Trovi'

A formal invitation, nothing more. Yet, my heart savored each word. I truly adored her very being. Her vast intelligence, her grace, her dignity. Her eloquent way of speech and writing, and the way she carried herself. Her beautiful hair, which resembled the golden threads used in the cloths worn by gods, framed her face beautifully. Her emerald eyes were captivating yet cold, although for me they always held warmth. The two of us were friends since early childhood, but I wanted more. I wanted to embrace the Empress as a lover would, to carry her in my arms and hold her forehead against my own.

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