[21] Rest

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I finished the reply, and folded it. My eyelids began to grow heavier, and I nodded back and forth. Eva hooted, jostling me from my daze, and I sighed, sitting straight again. I fed Eva a small snack, to which she hooted happily.

I whistled that familiar tune, and she left through the window. I rubbed my tired eyes in an attempt to get rid of my fatigue, and took a sip from the wine in my glass.

I hummed to myself, continuing the work that was piled on my desk.


The Next Morning...

Callista's POV

I had finished going through another pile of paperwork just as the sun had begun to rise. At some point in the night I had accidentally knocked over a stack or two, and too tired to do anything about it I just continued working.

Currently, aside from the two stacks that were now in my lap and on the floor surrounding my desk, it seems I've caught up on my work.

I should clean this mess up.. But I really could use a break.

No, no... In two hours I'll join my family and guests for breakfast and then see McKenna and the birds off..

..is that enough time to sleep...?

Any time is welcome at this point, I believe.



I shook my head from side to side,shaking off some of the tiredness before refilling my wine glass and downing it all.

I could just finish this work.. I believe it's just citizens' requests and personal letters, yes?

Yes, that sounds right...

I'll reorganize these then. I hummed, and with a tired snap of a finger I stacked the papers back onto my desk. With a newfound determination I went through each request, some for audiences with me or other royals, some for loans, some for travel, and some for blessings. I approved all of them, and then turned my attention to the smaller stack of personal letters.

One was from Duke Kaufman, seeking correspondence regarding my inquiries of trade. I drafted a response, and moved on. There were some from some close friends of mine, checking in to see if I was doing well, and there were some from the nobles, some inviting me and a few of my family members to social gatherings and the like. I replied that I was glad to be home after such a long trip, and I thanked my friends for checking in. I reviewed the dates on the invitations and drafted replies to each invitation saying that a few members of the royal family would attend in my place.

I moved the approved requests to the large crate next to my desk where the other finished work was, and then reviewed my drafted replies, finishing them and sealing them in envelopes before placing them into the crate as well. Just as I had added the last letter to the crate, I heard a knock on the door.

"Your Royal Majesty, it is I, Countess Cana." I had just barely heard her soft spoken voice, but I called for her to enter.

"Good morning, your majesty. Will you be joining everyone for breakfast?" She asked, as she had the last few days.

"I..... shall. Would you.. help... me get ready?" I smiled, albeit slurring the response a bit. This seemed to surprise her, but she agreed, helping me out of the chair I sat in, and supporting my weight when my legs immediately gave out.

She groaned a bit, her small frame struggling to keep mine upright, and quickly called for my knights.

The two entered swiftly, taking my arms and supporting me in Countess Cana's stead. I apologized to her, and she assured me all was well, and the three escorted me to my chambers to prepare me for the day.

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