An Important Announcement

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Caramel here! I'm here to relay some..unfortunate news.

It's official---I'm discontinuing this story.

I just...

I just can't bring myself to write it anymore. I've fallen out of the fandom, and I've gotten so bored with the series.

In addition to this, my life has become more and more strenuous, and writing this story has become utterly tedious and grating.

I can no longer say that I find any joy in writing this fic, and when I think about writing a new chapter I internally shrivel.

I find it ridiculous that I even began writing this story--there's no way I ever would've been able to finish it from the start.

I'm sorry to let any of you down, but I really just can't do this anymore.

I think that's all I wanted to say...

Once again, I'm sorry....

..thank you for reading and sticking with the story thus far.





















































































I'm not discontinuing this story! What do you think I am, a quitter?!

Hell no!

I'd never abandon this story! Sure, it's true that my life has become more and more busy and eventful, resulting in less available time for me to write, but I'm not gonna stop writing because of that!

I love writing, I always have-- and that includes writing this fic!

Sorry for the April Fool's prank, I just felt like it was the perfect opportunity!

Aw, I wish I could've seen y'all's faces!

In any case, here's a new chapter! like... ten minutes.

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