[19] Dawn

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"Our conversation was interrupted, but he was in the middle of saying that you had been preparing something for the last few years. What kind of preparations could they be?"

A look of shock showed on his face, and then he avoided my eyes, seemingly guilty.

"I don't want to lie to you," he began. "I haven't known you for very long, but I consider you a good friend.."

So he is being genuine with me... but he is also definitely up to something.

"I see. You don't have to answer me if it is difficult for you to do so." I smiled. Deciding to turn in for the night, I began walking towards my palace. "I suppose I shall see you when Eva arrives?."

I looked back at him, and he offered a small smile in response.


The next day..

Callista's POV

I awoke from my slumber to a gentle voice calling me.

"Your majesty, i-it is time to rise." Rosemary spoke in a hushed tone, as if to not disturb me. I smiled at her, and while sitting up, I spoke to her.

"It isn't your duty to wake me. Tell me, how did you sleep?"

"I-I slept well, your majesty. Thank you for your kindness."

"I promised Lady Rashta I would take care of you all, and I intend to do just that. And the others?" I stood, approaching the window to observe the sky.

Clear, not a cloud in sight. A good omen. Although... It seems rather early.

"They are still asleep, your majesty. It's remarkable– their wounds are all gone..." She hurried over to me, beginning to attempt to undo the ties of my gown. Quickly, I stepped out of her reach.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"A-ah, my apologies, your majesty! It was my duty to help young mistress Libetti get dressed in the morning, and I thought.." She mumbled a bit, hanging her head low and clasping her hands together.

"Is that also the reason you woke me so early?" I hummed, a bit amused. She didn't say anything, only bowing in response.

"It's quite alright, dear. Old habits die hard, it seems. But, Miss Rosemary, you must remember– you are no longer a slave. None of you are."

"'Miss'?" she asked, a light blush on her face.

"You have my respect, and you are a young woman. It's only right to call you 'Miss'." I smiled. She smiled slightly, standing straight.

I whistled for Eva and gestured for Rosemary to have a seat. Reluctantly, she sat down in one of the cushioned chairs.

"How are the clothes we prepared for you all? Do they feel comfortable?" I asked.

"Very. Thank you, your majesty." She smiled.

"Have you eaten anything?" I asked.

"N-no, your majesty." she replied.

"I see. We shall have a nice meal before continuing our trip to the capital. Once we reach the royal palace, we will rest for a day before I gift the five of you with funds to live." Eva entered through the window and landed on my outstretched hand. I brought her over to the coffee table, taking a seat in a chair across from Rosemary.

I had begun writing a note to Navier when Rosemary spoke up once more.

"Funds to live, your majesty?" she asked.

Empress | The Remarried Empressजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें