[17] Slaves

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"My slaves, eh? I'll have you know that I paid a hefty price for the three of them, and I can't just let them go for some measly amount." He grinned.

"Three thousand Ulas. I believe that amounts to one million five hundred Crans, no?"


He spat out his tea, coughing at the amount. It was much more than enough.

"W-what?! One million--- one million five hundred?! For just the three of them?! For that amount, I'd sell you my own child! No, both of them! My wife, even!" He laughed.

How repulsive.

"So, then. Do we have ourselves a deal?" I asked. While he took the time to think it over, Rosemary gestured for my attention. I nodded silently, urging her to speak. In a quiet voice so as not to be noticed by the Viscount, she asked-- "I-if it isn't too much for me to ask-- Could you-- I-I mean..." She swallowed hard, then finished her question. "C-could you please... purchase miss Delilah's newborn daughter?"

..I wasn't aware that one of them had a child. I nodded swiftly, earning a smile from the timid girl in front of me. Viscount Lotteshu dismissed her, and she left in a hurry.

"I'd be a fool not to accept your offer! Yes, Delilah, Rosemary, and that wench Violet-- you can have the three of them! For such a large sum, I must offer you more! Is there anything else you want?" He laughed, then looked at me expectantly, a grin on his face.

"If any of the three have children or siblings under you, then I'd like to purchase them as well." I nodded.

"Mervellous! Delilah just gave birth a few days ago. You're free to have the child! The slave that impregnated her is slated to be killed, of course-- slaves have no right to try and star their own families as it is, and he was planning to run away after the fact! Truly repulsive." he grimaced.

"I'll add another hundred Ulas for him as well." I smiled.

"My, you're so generous! If you ask me, he's a rather unruly one. Disobedient, brash, and above all quite infuriating. Really, It'd be better if he just died in the worst way."

"Well, it's rather convenient that I didn't ask, isn't it?" I frowned. He silenced himself immediately, fixing his posture. 

"Y-yes, my apologies. I'm sure your majesty has many things to do. Why don't we proceed with the sale? The five of them. I'll have no need for slaves soon anyhow." He took a sip of his tea and then snapped his fingers. "Rosemary!" She peeked in through the doorway, frightened. Gather the other vermin. You'll be serving a new master from now on." 

I held my tongue as she bowed, running off to find the others. Viscount Lotteshu ordered a maid to bring their documents. I took this time to focus on the layout of the estate.

I closed my eyes, visualizing the place.

In the west, the Viscount's daughter. 

In the north, the few paid servants and cooks.

In the south, Rosemary and the others.

In the east.....

 Ian and his father. 

I opened my eyes to see the Viscount holding what I assumed were the documents on the five of them. 

"Well, your majesty! I really must thank you." he stood, as did I, and we went to leave the room. He escorted me to the front entrance of the place, where I saw the five slaves standing nervously. 

...or, more accurately...

The man struggled to stay on his feet, opting to try and lean on the more burly woman of the bunch. She had dark skin, and her curly hair had a light purplish tone to it. Violet, then. Delilah, a  thin woman with blonde hair, held onto her newborn and shifted between her left and right feet.  It's likely she has some sort of injury she hasn't quite recovered from, not to mention the fact that she very recently gave birth... 

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