[5] Bird

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Navier's POV

"A feather?" I caught the thing as it fell through the air, a few others surrounding it. 


These weren't Eva's feathers, then. 

I noticed the sound of flapping as I pondered, and when I turned towards the noise, I was met with a large, golden bird that had perched itself onto one of the nearby shrubs. 

It was beautiful... 

"Will it allow me to touch it?" I hadn't even realized that I had said the words out loud, but as if the bird understood my words, it tilted its head towards my outstretched hand. It took off from its perch and latched itself to my finger, eyeing me eagerly.

Did it want to be pet?

As I pet the bird, it let out a few affectionate chirps. I noticed a note tied to its foot. 

Untying the note, I read its contents---

'I am a guest from abroad who will soon arrive at the new year's ceremony. 

and I write this while drunk.'

So my admirer is really drunk this time? And they sent the wrong bird, it seems.

Amused, I let out a soft chuckle at their words. 

"Your majesty?" I heard Countess Joubert approach. Lady Laura accompanied her. 

"It's a bird," She started. 

"Isn't it absolutely darling? Oh, did it bring you a letter?" Countess Joubert questioned.

"You must write back at once, your majesty! It must be from your admirer!" Laura exclaimed. 

Fondly, I pet the bird once again. "Shall I?" I took a pen and small piece of paper from the countess. My reply wrote--

'Your bird has found its way to me. 

If it is able to find its way back, I shall be relieved, 

for it means it must be more clever than its inarticulate master.'

I paused, eyeing the bird, then continued--

'This golden bird is beautiful. I've never seen any like it. 

Is it a friend of Eva's?'

I tied the note to the bird's leg and just as quickly as it had arrived, it left. 


I should have asked the bird's name..

"Be careful and don't lose your way."


As we approached my chambers, my ladies-in-waiting and I conversed about the bird.

"Do you think it will come again?"

"I do hope it returns with another letter!"

"Ohh, I wonder what kind of bird it is!"

"It was quite beautiful, no?"

"Indeed," I started. "It was beautiful. I've never seen that species of bird in any book."

Our chatter continued as Countess Joubert opened the door to my drawing room. 

"...your majesty?"

"Ah. So you've finally returned, Empress." Soveishu spoke with a cold distaste. 

I ignored it. 

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