[12] Episode

602 36 1

Mentions of SA in this chapter.

Callista's POV

"When we first met... that night... I grabbed you by the collar.." oh. "You seemed scared, but not of me. What was it that you were scared of?"


..Should I tell him?

"....I am not yet ready to share that with you, Prince Heinrey. No one outside of myself and my retainers know, and for the time being, it shall remain that way." In a solemn tone, I continued. "I apologize for being unable to answer your question."

He nodded, seemingly reading the room and backing away from the subject. "It's alright. I overstepped."

There was a pause for a moment, and then he spoke once more.

"I must be going, McKenna will have my head if I don't return soon." he smiled. I nodded, bidding him farewell with the Ouroboros as he left in his bird form. I made the cups and spoons vanish, sighing as I gestured for Lady Rue to help.

It seems even the mention of my fear leaves my body trembling..

I can't even walk straight on my own.

Lady Rue helped my shaken form get into bed, and I drifted to sleep, lost in my thoughts.

How would Navier react if she knew?


Navier's POV

I don't want to involve myself any further...

I entered the room to see Sovieshu sitting next to a sleeping Rashta. She seemed unwell, most likely a result of the events that occurred earlier.

"Her majesty is here to see you. I shall take my leave." The man saw his own way out as tension filled the room.

Why does Sovieshu keep roping me into this mess?

There was a cold silence for a while, until he finally spoke.

"Do you have nothing to say to me?"

"Why did you ask to see me?" I ignored his cold demeanor.

"I see you're not concerned in the slightest by recent events."

Is that how it looks to him? I must be keeping my emotions in check.

"I heard what happened to Rashta. I understand your majesty is upset, but there is no reason to take it out on me."

"You were born as the daughter to a high-ranking noble family. You have wealth, power, wit, and beauty, and now you are an Empress. In comparison, Rashta started out with nothing. She is clever and beautiful, but she never had the opportunity to benefit from her gifts." he paused, then continued.

"She's finally starting to dream of things that she could never have before meeting me."

..and she's also taken my husband from me.

I thought of Callista then.

...could we marry?


I am the Eastern Empress. No matter my feelings, I cannot be the one to divorce Sovieshu.

I began to tune him and his lecture out, thinking of what to tell Callista the next time we meet. Then, I noticed that there was a tense silence.

He was expecting me to respond.

"Rashta is your mistress, so you are responsible for her. She's outside of my responsibility." It was true. I have no obligation to the girl.

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