[3] Tea

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TW: Mentions of SA

Callista's POV

As the sun revealed itself, I awoke. Just as I removed the covers from my still tired body, I heard a knock.

"Your Royal Majesty, it is us, Viscountess Varya and Duchess Rhea. We come bringing breakfast." The Duchess spoke. I responded--

"I am awake. Please, enter." The two did so, Viscountess Varya pushing a cart that held trays of typical breakfast items-- varieties of bread, fruits, and yogurt. The arrangement was beautiful.

As the Viscountess stopped the cart near a small table that stood in the middle of three sofas, the Duchess approached me.

"What would you like to wear for today, your majesty?" I pondered the thought.

"I will be having tea with her majesty, so something simple, yet elegant."

"All of your gowns fit that description, your majesty, for you are a humble, elegant ruler." The Duchess responded. I hummed at that. I responded, amused--

"You flatter me, Duchess."

Viscountess Varya, having finished plating the food onto the table, approached.

"Your majesty, her words are true. Your majesty is the most beautiful, graceful, and humble. It is simply fact." The Duchess nodded, smiling. At this, I thanked the two, and accepted the gown that Duchess Rhea had offered.

[See above for dress]

"Thank you both." I viewed the sky through the window. Blue, with a few grey clouds. An omen.. "It seems I will face some hardship today." The two directed their attention to the sky as well.

"Such is the will of the gods, your majesty." The two chorused. "We will support you through your struggle, ever it may be."

I smiled. "Thank you, genuinely. I entrust myself into your hands." They continued to dress me, and as they did so I became lost in thought. Tea with Navier. I looked forward to it. As Navier entered my thoughts, I felt a hand brush past my collarbone. An unpleasant memory appeared, and I stiffened as it replayed in my mind.


"Stay still, vermin." A gravely voice demanded. Terrified, I looked into the eyes of the man that lay on top of me. The intentions held within them were disgusting. I grimaced, still holding my sliced open throat.

"Don't scrunch up that pretty face, doll," he started. "It's a shame you were my target-- I'm sure you would've grown to be a beautiful woman. You'll do as you are, though." He chuckled as I Felt his hands worming their way to my lower half.

I went to move his hands, forgetting about my throat. Quickly, I clutched my wound once again. The man laughed.

"You can try and stop me if you want, but you'll die faster. What'll it be, doll?"


"Your majesty--" Ah, a pleasant voice. I looked at the source. A blank expression on my face, I asked her--

"Viscountess? Why am I unable to see you clearly?"

Viscountess Varya's POV

Her majesty looked at me with dull, almost lifeless eyes.

"Viscountess? Why am I unable to see you clearly?" At that, my heart shattered. Her majesty was reliving her worst nightmare because of my mistake, and now tears spilled out of her eyes without her even realizing. My own eyes watered at the thought.

"Your majesty, I'm sorry, I did not mean to trigger this response from you..." I apologized, but I was unsure if she really registered my words. "Your majesty... Callista, dear..?"

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