[24] Pregnant

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There was comfortable silence for a bit, and for a moment I had forgotten my worries, overcome with a blissful peacefulness.

That peace didn't last long, unfortunately.


Navier's POV

Some time had passed, and I was eating cake as Sovieshu drank wine.

"You're going to gain weight." Sovieshu jabbed, ruining the peace we had before. I frowned at his words, and took another bite of the strawberry cake that was in my hands

"It's better than being drunk in public, isn't it?" I retorted.

"I won't get drunk. But if you eat at this time of day, you'll get fat." He sipped his wine.

"Even if I gain a bit of weight, I have a tailor on hand...and, I'm sure my lover won't mind." I hummed, and he scoffed, turning away.

We both observed the ball, remaining in our elevated seats. Eventually, the dance partners switched, and I saw Rashta approaching.. Duke Tuania?

I glanced at Sovieshu, curious if he had seen. He had, but he simply drank his wine, not saying anything.

Was he not jealous that she was talking to another man?

..I suppose it isn't any of my business.

"Empress, my friend." Heinrey's voice reached my ears, and I looked at his masked face as he stood in front of me. He passed me a letter in a sealed envelope and a small gift box, smiling. "These came to me from Callista. She asked that you receive them."

Heinrey offered a polite greeting to Sovieshu, which was ignored.

I took the envelope and the box, and handed them to Lady Artina for safekeeping. "Thank you," I smiled. "I'll be sure to read it later. Have you been enjoying the ball so far?" I asked.

"Yes, everything is splendid." Heinrey smiled.

The two of us conversed for the next half hour, laughing and smiling the whole time. Eventually, the ball was over, and it was time to thank everyone for coming. I stood from my seat as the music died down, ready to begin speaking as I straightened my back and held my hands in front of myself.

I drew in a breath. "On behalf of the Imperial Family, I thank you all for your attendance. May your journeys home be safe, and may you all get some well-earned rest."

I took my leave, sour from my prolonged interactions with Sovieshu and the brush with Rashta. Lady Artina and my ladies-in-waiting followed behind, chattering amongst themselves.


A few days later....

Navier's POV

"Your Majesty! Have you heard what happened?!" Laura burst into my room. I had just been speaking with Lady Artina earlier in my office about how my dress's design was taken.

Laura threw herself at my feet as I remained seated in my lush armchair. Countess Eliza frowned, scolding Laura for her lack of decorum. "I told you not to run in front of her majesty and raise your voice like that. It makes you look unladylike."

"What could be so important that you needed to tell me this urgently?" I asked, perplexed.

"It's about... Duchess... Tuania!" Laura spoke through labored breaths. "Duke Tuania, he.. He told her he wanted a divorce! Apparently, people heard him yelling about how he was suspicious that their son was actually his brother's heir, and that he couldn't help but feel suspicious because of how she acts around men. He also took issue with how she got into a fight with another woman over Duke Ergi."

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