[15] Birthday

493 38 2

"I don't think we can base the budget on that because of inflation."

How troublesome...


Navier's POV

I didn't even have time to eat lunch....

I wonder if Queen came to visit.

I hummed in thought, continuing my walk through the garden with Lady Artina behind me. Suddenly, the two of us heard rustling in the bushes.

"Who could that be?" she asked.

"I'm not sure..." I had little clue on who would be in the gardens at this hour.

"Your majesty.." there she was, my former lady-in-waiting. She sheepishly approached the two of us, looking around nervously. 

"You have some nerve approaching her majesty!" Lady Artina now stood in front of me. 

"I have to tell you something," the woman began. "I may not be your majesty's lady-in-waiting any longer, but it would weigh on my conscience if I didn't inform you of this. ....I believe Viscount Lotteshu is holding something over Lady Rashta's head." After finishing that statement, she hurriedly rushed away, out of sight.

In her place, Rashta arrived.

"Your majesty," she greeted. At least she knows to do that now...

"Um... may I ask you a question?" she asked, a bit too close for comfort.

"You may." I nodded. 

"It's about Duchess Tuania." 

Duchess Tuania?

What question could she have about Nian?

"Is she a woman of loose morals by any chance?" 

..did she really just ask that?

"Duchess Tuania is a good person and a good friend." I nodded again, sighing at the rude question. 

"But.." she started, "She's always surrounded by men and it seems like she enjoys the attention. I don't think that's proper for a married woman."


"The Duchess is popular with everyone, not just men." I replied.

"But I've only seen her socializing with men at parties..."

"It probably just seems that way because men and women partner with each other to dance at parties." I sighed again.

"Oh, I'm not asking this to say something bad about her. It's just because I have no idea..." the amount of lies this girl tells could fill the lake in the garden.

"..She's certainly not someone who will behave with impropriety, so don't speak of the matter again." I really just wanted to go to bed now...

"Yes, your majesty." 


Why did she ask me about the Duchess?

"Countess Eliza. Do you know if there have been any bad rumors about Duchess Tuania recently?" I turned to her as I was getting ready to go to bed.

"Not that I'm aware of... oh, wait. I heard that Viscount Landre has been acting like a lovesick puppy after dancing with the Duchess during the New Year's Ceremony." she smiled.

..I thought that perhaps Rashta was planning on creating gossip about someone else to take the focus away from her.

"Let me know right away if you hear any questionable rumors."

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