Month 4

331 9 2

3rd person pov

"Bah!" Naruto shouted from his spot in his bassinet making Tsuna, who was at a desk next to the bassinet studying some work her godfather and grandfather left her, look over at the bassinet.

"What is it Naruto?" Tsuna asked while standing up from her desk. The room now had some new toys and books since yesterday, February 5th, was her sixth birthday so she had some new books and toys to play with though she had more books then toys as she was more of a go outside and play kind of kid.

"Oh it's almost your tummy time ototo" Tsuna says picking the four month old baby up. She walked over to the desk and picked up her new seal book before walking downstairs into the livingroom. It was too cold to do tummy time outside in yard so she placed her book on the coffee table before placing the blanket down on the floor. Once the blanket as laid down she placed her brother on his stomach. As soon as he was placed on his stomach he tried pushing himself up onto his elbows which made Tsuna snicker before sitting down in front of her brother. She'd focus on Naruto and his tummy time right now reading the seal book can wait until later or until Naruto is put down for a nap.

"Ah..." Naruto whined trying to roll onto his back but he couldn't push himself over due to not having enough upper body strength to do it which just made Tsuna giggle slightly.

"No no no Naruto you need to stay on your tummy for now until you can safely roll back over dattebane" Tsuna said reaching over allowing her brother to grab her finger which successfully distracted him from wanting to roll onto his back.

"Ki-Chan!" A female voice yells out making Tsuna stop and sigh playfully as she already knew who that voice belonged to.

(Ki roughly google translates to Tree)

"Well Naru-Kun it looks like Hana-Chan has come to visit the both of us" Tsuna giggles making the baby laugh loudly which in turn made the six year old smile.

"You can come on in Hana-Chan! Naruto has just started his tummy time" Tsuna calls and she heard the door open and then close.

"Really? Ah can Kiba lay with him then?" Hana asked while walking into the room which made the red haired girl nod at her friend.

"Of course he can Hana-Chan" Tsuna says as Hana Inuzuka walks over and laid a brown haired baby boy next to the blonde. Seeing the new face Naruto babbled which made Kiba respond with a babble of his own.

"I have a feeling that they're both going to be troublemakers" Tsuna says as she watched the two boys interact with each other which made Hana chuckle.

"I bet Ki-Chan. After all me and you were quite the troublemakers" Hana says looking over at her best friend which made the red haired six year old smirk.

"First off were? No we still are we should plan a prank whenever we have time for it. Second off any news on when your getting your ninken?" Tsuna asked watching as the two babies babbled back and forth with each other.

"We should plan a prank it'd be a good distraction for all of us but my mom-" Hana starts only for the door to open and close and Itachi walked in carrying Sasuke who was looking around with wide black eyes.

"Itachi-Kun are you ok? You seemed stressed" The two females asked the Uchiha male who shrugged and walked closer to them.

"I'm fine just really tired" Itachi says as he gently placed Sasuke down with the other two boys. Once he was on the blanket Sasuke instantly went to the other to boys to interact with them.

"Well then just take a nap on the couch, in the guest bedroom, or just relax I'll watch Sasuke for you" Tsuna says knowing Itachi was tired out from quickly flying through the academy and constant training.

"Sorry about that Hana-Chan" Tsuna apologizes to the Inuzuka female who shrugs as she understood why Itachi reacted like that.

"It's fine Ki-Chan I understand. Anyway as I was saying about my ninken" Hana starts making Tsuna nod as she remembered the conversation they were having before Itachi came in.

"Yes getting your ninken please continue" Tsuna says as she listens to her friend talk about when she'd get her ninken.

*After tummy time*

"Oh it's been long enough I believe tummy time is over" Tsuna informs making the other female nod. Hana picked up her younger brother while Tsuna picked up Naruto and Sasuke since Itachi fell asleep. The two females walked upstairs to the baby's playroom to either lay them to nap or to play some more.

*1 week later*

Sitting on a baby swing in the livingroom holding his yellow bear was Naruto as his older sister was studying on the couch nearby. He started imitating his sister's different faces as he was bored and was finding enjoyment from copying her different faces as she studied.

"Huh? Naruto why are you so quiet over there?" Tsuna asked when her brother got quiet she looked over only to see her baby brother imitating her faces which made her chuckle.

"Are you copying me ototo?" Tsuna asked before making another face then happily watching as her brother tried copying it the best he could.

"Ototo I know you want to play. Just please wait a few more minutes and then I'll start playing with you" Tsuna says before looking back at her book. Naruto spent the next ten minutes copying his older sister's faces. Then he noticed something which made him start whining loudly to gain his sister's attention.

"What's wrong Naruto?" Tsuna asked, worried when her brother suddenly started whining, before turning and seeing that his yellow bear dropped onto the floor.

"Ah did you drop your favorite bear ototo?" Tsuna asked before walking over and kneeling down to pick up the bear for her brother.

"Here we go let's play a little bit yeah?" Tsuna asked quietly as she moved the bear right and left for the baby to follow. Since she was over here she decided taking a break from studying to play with her baby brother wouldn't hurt anyone.

*40 minutes later*

"Ok ototo that's enough for playtime" Tsuna says as she picked up the other toys she had brought out for her brother to put away so neither her nor her brother didn't accidently hurt themselves later on.

"Mah!" Naruto shouted not liking that she was putting the colorful toys away. Tsuna flinched as Naruto normally was a calm baby and while he would cry out he would never shout. At first she started thinking worst case scenario but calmed down as she realized that he was just upset about playtime being over.

"Sorry ototo but you gotta eat but I'll let you keep your bear of course" Tsuna says handing her brother the bear. Naruto took the bear and started chewing on the bear's ear as he started to realize how hungry he really is. Tsuna smiled and walked out into the kitchen and climbed up the step ladder onto the counter so she could make her brother's bottle. She waited for the bottle to finish warming up before she grabbed it and climbed down the ladder.

"Ok ototo I got your bottle" Tsuna says walking into the livingroom and seeing her brother with the yellow bear ear in his mouth.

"I don't think that the bear tastes good Naruto" Tsuna says walking over and kneeling down to the blonde's level.

"Bawh?" Naruto whined making Tsuna snicker and gently take the bear from her brother's mouth so he could eat.

"Ah..." Naruto whined turning his head towards the bear as he wanted to continue playing with his older sister.

"You can play with him after you eat Naruto" Tsuna informs her younger brother while picking her brother up so she could feed him.

"Guh" Naruto huffs making Tsuna roll her eyes as she could understand his want to continue playing but he needed to eat.

"Eat up ototo please" Tsuna asked putting the bottle in her brother's mouth. As soon as the bottle was in his mouth Naruto changed his interest from the bear to the food.

*After feeding*

Tsuna sighs and places the baby back in his swing and hands him his bear after he grabs the bear she grabs a nearby towel to dry herself off.

"There we go ototo now you can play with your bear" Tsuna says which makes the four month old squeal happily.

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