Month 5

313 10 1

3rd person pov
Inside the main house of the Inuzuka compound was Tsuna Uzumaki-Namikaze-Senju, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze-Senju, Hana Inuzuka, Tsume Inuzuka, Kiba Inuzuka, and Tsume's ninken Kuromaru all of them were sitting in the house's livingroom watching as the five month old boys babbled to each other. They gasped slightly when Kiba smacked Naruto in the face but instead of crying the blonde only whined slightly before he reached over and smacked Kiba back.

"That was close I really don't want these two hating each other" Tsuna sighed not wanting to hear her brother crying cause she didn't want the blonde baby to fear the Inuzuka male as she was close to Hana and Tsume it'd be troublesome to have Naruto fear Kiba.

"Something tells me he'll be a special jinchūriki..." Kuromaru whispers to his adult partner since Hana wasn't allowed to be told about Naruto's status as a jinchūriki and he didn't want her to overhear him.

"Special how?" Tsume whispers watching all four of the children interact. Kiba and Naruto were still pouting at each other while their older sisters watched while talking about when Hana would get her ninken.

"I'm not sure but I just feel that he'll change the world as we know it" Kuromaru says looking at Naruto as he babbled with Kiba.

"So Ki-Chan how is your training going?" Hana asked her best friend making the red haired six year old sigh and look over at her brother for a moment before looking back at Hana.

"Jiji is attempting to help me find a style that will work well for me. He's also helping me figure out how to unlock my wood style so that I could prevent other villages jinchūriki from being to much of a problem but he's not having much success since Tsunade sealed the compound's main library when she left the village" Tsuna says and Tsume can't help but internally congratulate the six year old on coming up with a half lie that quick.

"Do you two wanna see something I found out about Naruto yesterday?" Tsuna asked making the two Inuzuka females nod in curiosity.

"Hey Naruto" Tsuna says walking over to the blonde baby who looked up at his older sister when he saw her bright red hair come closer to him.

"Where did sissy go?" Tsuna asked covering her face with her hands and Naruto looked around wondering where the familiar face went but he understood that she would come back as she always did so he didn't think to cry.

"Peekaboo" Tsuna says uncovering her face making the blonde squeal happily before laughing Kiba made a noise wondering what was so funny so Tsuna turned and looked at Kiba deciding on showing him.

"Kiba" Tsuna says making the brunette male look at her wondering if she was going to show him what was so fun to the blonde.

"Where did I go?" Tsuna asked covering her face making Kiba whine wondering where the lady went as this wasn't funny.

"Peekaboo" Tsuna says making Kiba's eyes widen before he laughed and reached out towards the red haired female.

"Aw they understand peekaboo already?" Tsume asked making Tsuna giggle as she picked up the two laughing boys and placed them on her lap. They sat up on her lap and looked around a little bit at this new view point.

"So anyone of you got any plans for today?" Tsuna asked and the boys played with the bright red hair that was hanging in front of them.

"Not really why do you got something to do Ki-Chan?" Hana asked looking at the red haired female making her look away slightly.

"Nah not really I just wanna hang with you guys for a little bit" Tsuna says looking down at the two babies who were looking up at her.

"Aw Tsuna-Chan you can always come here if you want to" Tsume coos looking down at her best friend's daughter. Tsuna blushed in embarrassment of being called out by the older woman making the two Inuzuka female laugh at the red haired female's situation.

"Naruto-Kun! They are bullying your older sister!" Tsuna huffs hugging the boys closer attempting to use them to hide her which just made Tsume snicker.

*1 week later*

Tsuna was playing peekaboo with Naruto in the livingroom as Jiraiya watched the two of them carefully. He frowned when he thought of the fact that his teammate Tsunade failed not only Minato and Kushina but also her Senju lineage.

"Pervy Sage?" Tsuna asked suddenly making the white haired male snap out of thought and look at his goddaughter noticing her looking over at him.

"Yes Tsu-Chan?" The older male asked pushing the thought of one of his old teammates to the side for now.

"Can you get inside of the Senju compound?" Tsuna asked her godfather as she knew the real reason Hiruzen wanted her to learn to use her wood style was to prevent Naruto from losing control the ability to prevent other jinchūriki was just a bonus.

"Hiruzen already asked me that. I'll be working on it but taking care of you and your brother are my main priority" Jiraiya says which made Tsuna's eyes widen and tears appeared in her eyes.

"We're your what?" Tsuna asked her voice cracking as for the past five months even though some of her mother and father's friends looked over them they were clan heads or the Hokage so Tsuna knew her and her brother were second on their list but here was her godfather admitting that they were his priority.

"You and Naruto are my main priority now and Hiruzen knows it so he's only sending me out to deal with my spy network and even then it'll be less than normal. So while I used to check in once a month it'll be the other way around now I'll be leaving once a month" Jiraiya informs making Tsuna run and jump into his lap hiding her face into his chest as a muffled sob left her mouth which made him smile softly. He placed his hand on top of the red haired female as she starting letting her emotions out.

"Shh it's ok Tsu-Chan you can rest easy now. I won't leave you as easily as Tsunade and Kakashi did" he says as he kisses the top of the six year olds head. The six year old melted into the warmth and allowed her godfather to cuddle her until she fell asleep while her brother napped in a bassinet nearby.

"Minato you don't need to worry as your Sensei and the godfather of these kids I won't leave them that easily. Kushina you can rest knowing at least your daughter and son will know the true meaning of being an Uzumaki and a Senju. Nothing short of death will take me away from these kids" Jiraiya muttered hoping the two would be able to hear him before he drifted off as well.

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