Month 8

258 8 2

3rd person pov

"Ouch ototo" Tsuna whined as he younger brother bit her hand. He's been teething for the past week and his favorite thing to chew on was either his bear, his sister's hand, or his sister's hair.

"Sorry ototo I know you're probably in pain but you have to deal with it" Tsuna sighed as for the past week her and her brother have had little to now sleep.

"Your starting to finally eat solid food so please eat something" Tsuna begged her brother as he was refusing to eat anything and Tsuna knew from what her aunts told her that it his teeth were coming in so his gums were really sensitive and swollen making eating somewhat painful.

"Wuu" Naruto grunted turning his head away from the red haired child refusing to eat slowly getting more and more fussy as his gums hurt. Tsuna frowned as she didn't like knowing her brother was in pain but not knowing how to help him.

"Dang it I wonder what to do..." Tsuna sighed before deciding to gently rub her brother's gums. Feeling his sister somewhat soothing his pain Naruto cooed and leaned into his older sister.

"Does that help ototo?" Tsuna asked smiling slightly as she used her free hand to grab a clean cloth to wipe the drool from her brother's face.

"Gad this somewhat helps...maybe...I need to look in mom's office..."Tsuna sighed before allowing her brother to chew on her finger.

"Come on Naruto let's see if mom's office had a way to help sooth your gums" Tsuna said picking her brother up who whined before calming down. Tsuna carried him upstairs into her mother's office and once they were inside she looked around before finding a few scrolls that could help.

"Freeze a wet clean rag. Frozen fruit. Teething toys. Chilled spoons?" Tsuna asked making a list of the things the scrolls said would help.

"Well we don't have frozen fruit so that'll have to wait. Let's go freeze a rag for you yeah?" Tsuna asked before walking out of the office towards the kitchen.

*2 days later. Both Kiba's family and Sasuke's family are visiting*

The adults and older kids were watching as Tsuna handed Naruto a frozen rag. Naruto instantly took the rag and put it in his mouth.

"We've tried everything else but he seems to like the rag more" Tsuna says when she notices everyone looking at her but hearing her explanation made everyone nod.

"Ah he's teething now?" Mikoto asked her goddaughter who nodded and yawned slightly still feeling tired from those nights of restlessness..

"Yeah I was worried at first as I didn't know how to help him but then I found some scrolls in Okaa-San's office" Tsuna says nervously making the adults nod.

"So Ki-Chan! How are things going over here?" Hana asked while looking at her best friend who smiled which made Hana smile.

"Other then struggling to sleep and feed Naruto then pretty good" Tsuna says as the adults nod as they understood that feeling of struggling to get sleep and feed a fussy baby.

" about you three go play out front while we watch the children?" Tsume asked making the three older siblings nod excitedly before running over to the front door and putting their shoes on as they run outside.

"Play time!" The kids shouted finally being able to be kids as all of them were newly six years old. However Itachi and Hana are training to take over their clans in the future, Itachi was also in the academy, Tsuna was raising her Jinchūriki brother, and all three had other things to do in order to help around their compounds so all three of them rarely had any time to act like a child.

"So now we are all six. Now what do we do? I mean training doesn't sound like playing but I don't know anything we could do" Itachi asked making Hana light up.

"How about we go play at the lake? It's been a while since we've played there after all" Hana asked making them smile as it was getting warmer out so they liked the idea of playing in the cold lake nearby. They peeked back inside and looked at the adults who smiled slightly at how innocent the three six year olds looked.

"Mom can we go play at the lake? We'll be careful I promise" Itachi asked making the adults stop as they knew that six year olds should be supervised especially when playing near water but they also knew that the three of them were smart enough to be left alone.

"Fine but please be careful and if you need anything come straight here" Fugaku stated making the three six year olds nod. Itachi, Tsuna, and Hana walked into the woods and after two minutes they made it to the lake.

"Tag Itachi your it" Tsuna giggles before running away from the Uchiha. He turned and saw Hana running from him as well.

"Oh I'll get both of you" Itachi says before running after Hana since she was closer. The two girls laughed as they ran from the Uchiha male.

*2 hours of playing later*

The three kids were now sitting on the edge of the lake with their feet in the lake as they calmed down and relaxed. Despite being six the three of them enjoyed when it was time to sit and wind down.

"Today was fun wasn't it?" Hana asked as Tsuna leaned over and laid her head on Itachi's shoulder which made both of them blush slightly while Hana chuckled at her friends.

"Yeah" Tsuna sighed as she drifted off to sleep feeling happy to be able to be a kid every once and a while and not have to constantly worry about her baby brother's safety.

"Maybe we can-" Hana started only to smell the air and stop talking suddenly as she smelt something odd.

"What is it Hana-Chan?" Itachi whispered feeling on edge from the way she stopped talking as he knew very few things made her stop like that.

"That old dude that Tsuna warned us about? He's nearby" Hana said making Itachi stop.....Danzo, not only has Tsuna warned them about him but his parents also warned him about the war hawk.

"How close is he?" Itachi whispered as his instincts started kicking in making Hana look confused but she sniffed the air again.

"Close enough to sense us but far enough that we could make it back to the compound with you carrying her" Hana informed making the male nod and pull back before putting his shoes on. While he was doing that Hana put her and Tsuna's shoes on. Once everyone had shoes on Itachi went over and picked a sleeping Tsuna up. Tsuna groaned but didn't wake up as she finally fell asleep without having to worry about her brother.

"Come on let's return and tell our parents about the old guy...Tsuna wouldn't have warned us about him for no reason" Itachi said as the two walk towards the Uzumaki compound.

*Once they returned to the compound*

"Mom!" Hana said loud enough to get her mother's attention but quiet enough to not wake Tsuna or the babies if they were sleeping.

"Ye- oh is Tsuna sleeping?" Tsume asked making the two nod. Hearing that Mikoto decided to carry her up to bed.

"Mom that Danzo guy was nearby the lake" Hana said which made the Uchiha clan head and the Inuzuka clan head suck in a breath.

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