Chapter 31: Stressed

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"Great work, Roselia." Roselia flipped her hair proudly at the man's compliment.

She scoffs, "That wasn't what you were saying weeks ago, though?"

"Well then I take it back." The man shrugs.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're quite irritating?" She flashed him a gentle smile, quite a contrast to what was coming out of her mouth.

"And do I look like I care?" 

"Whatever. You owe me for this one, Anastacius." 

Anastacius crosses his arms, "What do you want?"

Roselia leaned on the table seductively, but he wasn't fazed as he sat there quietly.

"Make me empress." She said simply.

"Hah. You're quite delusional." Anastacius says with a smooth smile, but his tone implied irritation.

Roselia's facial expression turned serious. Any humor or pretense she was putting up was gone. 

"I know too much, Anastacius. I can destroy you." She threatens.

He holds his hand up and gently brushes his fingers against Roselia's cheeks, "I hope that's not a threat, Countess, because you don't actually know anything at all."

Anastacius smiles eerily, "There's a lot more to it than you know."

The brunette was now angered. She slaps his hand away from her, "Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Like how I can kill you right here and now, and still get away with it." He chuckles.

Roselia clenches her fists, "You wouldn't dare."

"More like I wouldn't hesitate," Anastacius laughs, "So if I were you, Roselia, I'd just be grateful being the future emperor's vassal." 


Athy's POV

It's now late in the afternoon, and the sun is setting slowly and beautifully. After the whole incident earlier, I was sent back to my room so they can sort things out.

The physicians, along with the maids, crowded the room. I was escorted by one of the knights to head back here. They said they'd update me whenever something comes up.

Lily has been worried about me. She understood that I could be framed, so she's been looking at me most of the time, trying to read my expressions and if I'm alright. 

It took me a while to convince her that I'll be fine, and she finally left me alone to my thoughts.

I'm in a dangerous position right now. I don't even dare to step out of my room. I could only hope that my progressing relationship with Dad and my inseparable bond with Jeannette could get me out of a death sentence.

But I could also ask for a trial.

I can find a way to accuse Countess Roselia, find some evidence against her, and get away from this. Besides, I know what happens in the novel, in my first life, I could use it to my advantage.

I sighed.

Lucas was right. Whenever he's gone something always happens to me.

How convenient. Just when the most powerful man leaves my side, they start attacking.

I might be in a tight position right now, but thinking about it, I have so many ways to free myself.

One, Jeannette can cover up for me when she wakes up. Two, I can ask for a trial. I'm pretty sure I can find some suggesting evidence against the Countess. Three, I can run away until Lucas gets here, and four, I can run away until they find out that it's not me.

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