Chapter 35: Imprisoned

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"I never signed up for this, Roselia!" Duke Alpheus punched his table angrily.

Roselia, who was casually sitting on the couch as if she couldn't care less about what the man said, scoffed.

"You did, actually," She replies nonchalantly, then laughs, "You just didn't know."

"I never knew that this was part of the plan, and if I did, I wouldn't have let you hurt my little girl." The Duke snarled at her, but she shrugs.

"Oh?" Roselia chuckles mockingly, "Since when did you care for her?"

The Duke was even more angered, "Since when did you not?"

"Oh, since before she was born." The brunette says casually.

The man stood from his seat in anger, glaring at the brunette, "Look here, Countess, I was all for having Jeannette seated on the throne, but not if she was forced to."

"Hah," Roselia laughs as if it's the most absurd thing she's heard, "You're not gonna get anywhere with that mindset."

"Frankly, I don't care. If you ever touch her again, I swear-"

"You swear what? You'll hurt me? Or maybe even kill me? Don't make me laugh, Duke. I have someone even more valuable on my side." She smiles eerily.

The Duke could feel something was wrong.

"Who is it." He demands.

"Why should I tell you?" The brunette teases.

"Then get out." The Duke says finally.

"What?" The Countess feigns innocence, "Don't tell me you're gonna kick me out over such a sma-"

"Get the hell out of here," The Duke says angrily as he clenches his fists, "And I will not be taking part in your rebellion any longer."

"Hah, rebellion? Seriously? You really have a way with your wor-"

"I don't want to hear anything come out from your filthy mouth again. Get out of my face."

And all while they argued inside the Duke's office, they hadn't noticed the young man eavesdropping outside the door, hearing every single thing being said.


Athy's POV

It's been about two days since His Majesty imprisoned me, and I've truly given up on him. He said I was scheduled to be executed about five days from now, and I really do hope they're not thinking that I'm going down without a fight.

I haven't figured anything out yet, but I will not die pathetically like the last time.

I sighed as I try to fall asleep on the cold concrete. When His Majesty detained me, he left me here with my outdoor clothes still on. It looks shabby now, but it's definitely better than wearing a thinner dress.

There's been nothing to do in here but think, and honestly at one point I just couldn't wait for the day of my execution.

At least I'll have something to do.

I heard from one of the maids who brought my dinner last night that Jeannette had woken up yesterday. I was unimaginably ecstatic.

Of course, I wasn't so naive as to think that once Jeannette wakes up, they'll release me. No, I know  Claude. That man is stubborn.

But I wonder how Jeannette reacted to me being detained? Or does she even know?

I'd asked the exact same question to the maid last night, but she refused to tell me anything, saying that His Majesty ordered for her to spare me all the details.

In fact, she even insisted that she'd already disobeyed the order by telling me that Jeannette woke up yesterday.

Seriously, that man. 

How annoying.

I could barely sleep last night, and so I'm very tired today. But as expected, I still can't sleep at all. My body feels so sore all over.

Besides, I decided against sleeping right now because it's lunch time, and I'm waiting for it.

And speak of the devil. A maid, different from the one last night, comes in with a big bowl with a cloth on top, covering the food, and a glass of water.

She set the food and water down and looked at me like she wanted to say something.


But she left without a word, and I was left there confused.

Something's going on.

First of all, last night's dinner did not have a cloth covering it, and it sure as hell did not smell this good. In fact, they served me stale bread and overcooked eggs with no water.

I gulped the water down as I was thirsty and proceeded to uncover the bowl.

I was dumbfounded.

The food was exquisite. It was the type of dishes I'd normally be eating during lunch.

And on top of that.. A note.

It was from Lily, and as I read it, a knowing smile spread across my face.

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