Chapter 32: Flowers

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Athy's POV

"This isn't going good." I cover my face in frustration.

Yesterday I decided to investigate and find evidence against Countess Rosalia so that I can prove my innocence, but..

There's nothing.

It's a clean slate. I couldn't find anything against her. She didn't do anything out of the blue. I was certain it was her, but I didn't know how to prove it.

Lily has been worried about me today, and she's been trying to give me suggestions to try and soothe me.

"Princess, how about looking at her finances? Like things she's been buying?" Lily asked.

I shook my head, "I already checked, and she's only been buying dresses and jewelry. Besides, it's easy to make a transaction hidden." 

Lily was quiet, but I could tell she was hesitating whether or not to ask something.

"Princess," She said quietly, "Why are you so sure that it's her?"

I stopped.

Because it's in the novel.

But I couldn't possibly tell her that. Of course, Lily is my second most trusted person, but if I can't even tell Lucas about something like me reincarnating, then I can't tell Lily.

Not right now.

She might find me suspicious.

After all, I'm trying so hard to accuse somebody without evidence.

I sighed, "Because it's the perfect scheme. She's trying to frame me so that she can get rid of me, and no one threatens Jeannette's flower path to the crown."

"Well, yes, that's possible," Lily agrees, "but a million other things could be possible as well."

"Like what?" I asked, and you could hear the irritation in my voice.

Like me poisoning her?

Lily sighs and walks up in front of me, "Princess, look at me."

I didn't want to, but I slowly raised my head and looked her in the eye.

She cups my cheeks so gently, "I know it's not you."

Her voice was full of warmth and certainty.

Of course, since in my first life you also defended me.

How could I ever doubt her after everything she's done for me? 

I turned my gaze away. I was ashamed of myself.

"Princess, I know you're on edge right now, so I don't blame you." She says softly.

Lily's warmth radiated off of her and rubbed off on me.

I let my guard down, relaxed my tense muscles, and leaned rested my face on her hands.

"Thank you." I said simply and quietly.

Right. I have to win this. I have to survive this. It's not just me I'm protecting this time. I need to keep Lily safe. Lily and the others. I don't want them to die again. Not again.

I wrapped my arms around Lily, and she did the same.

"I'll never forsake you, Lily." I tell her, and I meant it from the bottom of my heart.

If I lose in this, I'm losing alone. I will not let you go down with me.

"So, listen close to me, Lily. I need for you to do something in case things don't end up in my favor." 


I think I found a lead.

That day when Jeannette was poisoned, I remember seeing an unfamiliar maid. 

She wasn't a staff from the palace.

I should've said something then, but I didn't. It's no use thinking about all the "what if's" now, though.

I remember the maid's features very well even though I only merely glanced at her, and that's because she had ginger hair, which only a few maids possess in the palace.

I remember she was also quite scrawny, as if she was being starved.

It's very likely that she was a commoner, bribed to poison Jeannette. All I need to do is find her, bribe her with money to confess, and boom! We're all done, we have an accusation.

Lily's already on her way to ask the maids who were there, and especially the one who came in the room if they saw anyone strange, and then she'll be going to Felix to request for him and a few other knights to secretly look for her.

I need this to work, and if not..


What would I do if it didn't work?

Would I fight it and run away? Or would I give in?

 I don't know.

I don't really care about what happens to me. I'm more worried about Jeannette and everyone else.

Speaking of which, I was going to visit Jeannette today.

I got up from my chair and rearranged all the notebooks and pens I had on the table. I looked outside the window, and it was as beautiful as ever.

I'll be going outside first.

I headed out, and there were maids outside Jeannette's room. I smiled and waved at them before leaving. Once I was outside, I looked at all the flowers and was debating which to pick.

Jeannette loves roses.

I decided on roses, and I reached for one.

"Ah." A thorn pierced through my finger. Blood was slowly coming out of it.


I licked it and decided to be more careful. In the end, I picked three roses for Jeannette and headed back inside.

When I got in front of her room, the same two maids were outside. I walked up to them and asked for nay updates.

"Her Highness has not woken up yet." One of them replied.

I nodded, "I see. Is it okay if I visit her?"

The two hesitated and looked to each other for what to say.

"We don't really... know.."

"It's fine. I understand," I held out the roses to them, "Would you please pass this to her when you get the chance?"

"No." One said firmly.

I was confused.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because we don't know if it's poisoned." The left one said mockingly.

Fine. I don't need to be polite to you either.

My face turned serious, "Is that so?"

They scoffed at me, and I took that as a chance to shove the roses into the left one's mouth. She tried to pull away as the other maid gasped.

"Now do you know if it's poisoned?" I asked, feigning innocence.

The other maid ran to the left one as she coughed.

The beautiful roses fell to the ground, and I kicked them to the maids.

"Clean this up when you're done," I smiled, and turning away, I say, "The next time I bring flowers, you'll know it's not poisoned."

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