chapter two

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THE DAYS passed, but Ally did not meet Spencer, she never entered the library, she only looked out the window every time she went to class. Her mind was preoccupied with a book by Rossi. She was even determined to attend one of his tours just because she wanted to learn more about his work. The man really did his job perfectly. Ally wanted nothing less than that for herself.

On the other hand, Spencer Reid was trying for the umpteenth time to use the computer for a simple search. At the moment, he hated himself as much as he hated technology, except that he soon realized that what he was trying to do was not a very smart idea and that his friend Garcia would find out that detail about his search history.

Ally West remained a mystery to him, even though he had not gone to that library in a week and a half. He did not want their meeting to last that long again, so he kept his distance. As he thought they should.

He was wrong about this, and he was aware of that, but he allowed that his work and all the confusion about the papers had taken him to a very different place, far away from the library and her. In other ways, she is much younger than he is.

Ally lingered in her apartment, curled up on a dark green couch with a book and a laptop. Her seminar was almost finished, all that was missing was the finishing touches to make it esthetically pleasing.

She spent all her free time on it; she had almost no personal life of her own. She hardly responded to her parents' calls, so busy was she with finishing the academy as soon as possible and graduating.

After all, she already sacrificed 5 years for it, it would be a shame to give up now, especially because of the teenage hormones that ruled in her. She did not know herself how to get rid of them, there was only one way with which she solved her sexual frustrations. Besides, she had a small pink helper with a very interesting shape. It could even work to the rhythm of the Jingle Balls Christmas song.

She pushed everything away and ran to her room, where she threw herself on the bed and took things in her hands. She could not take it anymore, her body just looking for a reason to unleash the avalanche inside her.

In her head she had all kinds of scenarios, touches, poses and the dirtiest words that hardly anyone can say seductively enough.

Just five minutes later, Ally was overcome with embarrassment as she touched herself while imagining having real sex with someone. She was not interested in one-night stands, she wanted to find the right guy who would stay with her for a long time and then turn all her fantasies into reality. In her mind that was possible and the only right way.

On a Saturday evening she finally finished her work, which she sent to the professor by email. Ally took her duties very seriously and when she had something to do, she gave it her all. That was one of the things that connected her and Spencer. They had both realized that the day they first met.

Ally thought about him again, but not for long, because she received a call.

"I can not believe you made me go out with you," Ally commented, while her friend Maria just laughed wickedly.

"I have not seen you in two weeks, not even in class," Ally said, rolling her eyes.

"I just want you to relax, let us go dancing and have a drink, it's the weekend," Maria seemed too happy, which would mean she was back with her ex-boyfriend.

In the club they met with some other acquaintances, their table was in the middle of the hall, it was impossible to go to the sledge and order a drink. Why is it so crowded all of a sudden?

Ally has regretted coming three times now. The first time because Maria brought her ex to the table, the second time because all the people at the table are stupid liars who do not like each other at all. The third time would be when everyone dispersed and she was alone at the table.

She went to the sleigh to order some drinks, but it would be a long night for her.

Shot after shot, she soon reached the tenth shot of tequila and her body finally began to relax. She followed the rhythm of the music with her hips as she danced in the middle of the club with a few other people she had never seen before. Just a few minutes later, she grew tired, stepped aside, and went back to the sled to order two or three more drinks.

For a moment it seemed to her that she saw a familiar face, more precisely a familiar shaggy hair, but she still told herself that she had drunk a lot and that it was just an illusion.

"Two more tequila, please," she said to the man behind her, who looked at her with concern.

"Are you sure?" he asked her with a smile that was just trying to be nice.

"No, I still want three. That's my lucky number," she showed him three fingers and smiled. He gets all three shots disappearing within 5 seconds.

She walked towards the dance floor where she had danced a while ago, but she tripped over a guy. This guy was Spencer. A smile simply appeared on her face, she couldn't believe that she would be able to find him in a place like this.

" Spence!!", she shouted all happy and raised her hands to him, she looked so innocent and nostalgic. On the other hand, he seemed worried about her.

" Ally?? Are you okay?" he asked her.

" Dance with me, please, they left me alone." , she says sadly before taking his hands. Spencer isn't really surprised by that, but he still agrees to play with her, he doesn't want her to leave and someone accidentally attacks her or use her. He was already so protective.

Spencer didn't like clubs or these kinds of dates, he only went out with Derek because he had already turned him down ten times. He felt a little stupid to do this to his good friend for the umpteenth time.

" You never came to the library," Ally barely got the last word out

." I was working," he tells her as he wraps his arms around her waist. Ally leaned against him with her back to him. They played long into the night, and Ally almost sobered up before going home.

" I'll take you home, just tell me the address," Spencer tells her as she holds the passenger door, so she can get into the car. Soon he closed the door and got into the car. They sit in the car for a few moments before Ally speaks.

" Fifth street from the library," she tells him, although she's not sure if she said it right. "Leave me in front of the entrance, and I'll do the rest myself"

Spencer was watching her with a look she couldn't recognize. I guess because she was still under the influence of alcohol, or because she had never seen such a look in his eyes. They maintained eye contact, it was very tense in that silence.

" I was thinking about you.", Ally was the one who liked to break the silence. A small smile formed on his face, it just made his day. If she knew that he thought about her too, everything would be different. Spencer just moved closer to her, she felt his warm breath on her face, the smell of menthol and his perfume. In her head, she was expecting a kiss, maybe a short kiss that wouldn't lead to any major action.

 Although she wanted a long, passionate kiss and to drive somewhere where there were no people, if they can't wait to get back to her apartment. But the reality was completely different.

" Number one, always put your seatbelt on, Ally".

MIDNIGHT PLEASURE,  spencer reid ✔Where stories live. Discover now