chapter seventeen

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I DON'T THINK I'll need to go to the gym for another five months after today. Actually, neither Spencer nor I will have to because we descended the stairs at least 30 times, picked up the box, and climbed back up to the third floor. Only now, as I see those boxes, do I realize I have too many things and have no idea how I'm going to fit them all in Spencer's apartment without disturbing his aesthetics or the overall vibe that radiated from the apartment. It became too much work every time I counted how many more boxes there were until the end. I feel bad that we used Spencer's last day of vacation in this way; my moving in with him, which isn't a bad thing; it's just that all my stuff was a problem. Moving in together was a spur-of-the-moment 3 a.m. decision, as well as sad because I had to return to my own apartment on Monday morning.

"This is the last Ally," she said, pointing to the box in his hand with the frail writing on it. These are probably my favorite mugs for hot beverages. "Thank God," I sigh in relief before sprinting to open the apartment door for him. Spencer placed the box on the kitchen table before turning to kiss me goodbye.

"I'm glad we got this done now - now it's up to you to go through everything and start arranging things in their new place," he smiled, trying to hide his excitement about the event. I look down at the boxes and laugh sickly again. Why do I have so many things, and how did I go so long without realizing it?

"I'll probably donate half of it; it's probably some small items that I was too embarrassed to throw away, so they've been with me for years," I shrug my shoulders, and my sentimentality for all things returns, which is why I have so many of them. I've always felt bad about throwing something away because it represents a time in my life, but it's gotten out of hand now.

"I'll make room in the closets for you, and I might as well donate some old clothes," he says as he walks into the bedroom. I'm alone in the living room, which is full of boxes, so I'll start with this.

I spent at least five hours selecting the items I require, but when I look in the boxes where I place items for donation, I see that I threw a lot of items in that box. That would imply that I'm making progress and have currently reduced the amount of stuff by about 20%. Some items I just couldn't part with, while others were damaged and ready for the trash can. Spencer was doing paperwork during this time, most likely around the lecture because he had very few responsibilities for the FBI.

According to one of his recent anecdotes, he expressed to me the possibility of leaving the unit and focusing entirely on his job as a professor. His response was that he had been in the FBI for over 15 years and had lost many things as a result of his job. He wants something calmer, and he wants to teach new young hopefuls who want to catch bad guys. He wants to start a family and be there for me and the little family members when the time comes. He desires for peace.

"Spence, I'm going to need another whole drawer for things; I won't be able to fit everything in this small space," I complain when I see he's only freed up one drawer for me.

His curly hair pokes through the door first, followed by him, both staring at me, perplexed. "The other closet is yours, just look at it, my love," he said, pointing to the closet next to it, which is actually empty.

"I think I've guessed how many clothes you own; if you need more, you have a place here where my old sweaters are," he said as he kissed my hair. I get lost in my own thoughts once more and begin rearranging all of the clothes. Everything will be fine as long as I don't take any longer than necessary. "Hey Ally?" I begin when I hear his voice after such a long period of silence. I just look at him, and he starts laughing because of my expression. I was on the verge of sobbing out of fear.

"You look like you've seen a ghost; it's just me and no one else," he comforted me for a moment. "Hotch invited us to dinner today; we can go if we aren't too tired." This news makes me happy because it means I'll get to know them a little better since our last meeting was strictly business. It's an understatement to say Spencer was being bullied through text messages all these days, especially by Morgan, who was the biggest supporter of our relationship. Garcia comes after him. We don't want to talk about her right now, but I adore her.

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