chapter fourteen

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I WASN'T EXPECTING TO MEET Spencer's friends and colleagues in this circumstance. Only Penelope was present at the time, but she had already got in touch with the other members of the team before I could tell her what had happened.

"Ally, honey," Penelope said, "please tell me what you know, and when the others arrive, we'll just say the important things." I felt very at ease in her company.

"This isn't how I wanted to meet you, but Ally, we need to focus on the awesome guy," she even has a nickname for him, I knew their friendship was beautiful but hadn't realized it until now.

"Derek drove him to my apartment around 8 a.m., and we spent a few hours together before he left for his house. He has an odd habit of not leaving any of his clothes here, even if he plans to sleep over, which is why he was leaving." I'm clearly upset, and I can't hide it.

"I used that time to relax; my phone was on silent and slipped between the blankets; I saw three messages from him, the last of which instructed me to call you," I sigh deeply; this is a terrible situation in which I have no idea what will happen.

"You previously hacked his phone; can you find his current location in the same way? Penelope, you're a computer genius "I say this quickly because my brain tells me that anxiety will soon overcome me. Penelope is attempting to use a computer program that appears to be quite complex.

"I think this will take a minute, his phone is off but I can still see the last location," she tries to tell me without taking her gaze away from the screen that is loading the requested result. "I've got something!" Just a few seconds later, she exclaimed.
The image on the screen appeared to be an internet map where you could search for locations; this appeared to be very reliable.

"I'm guessing he sent the last message here because the times are only 3 minutes apart. Your message was sent first, and then his phone suddenly died"She zoomed in on the map, but that didn't reveal anything.

"Sorry, this isn't my job, but time is ticking until everyone gets together. Do you have any knowledge of anyone who would want to harm you or Spencer? "These words echoed inside my head, as if I were attempting to analyze everyone I met. I've noticed in the last few weeks. They were not on the wrong side of the law.

My thoughts are still in the past, so I shake my head negatively. "Try to remain calm and think clearly. It could be anyone; remember that people like this are mentally ill, and they don't need much of an excuse to do something like this."

That's what I was worried about. The perpetrator could have been anyone, and anyone could have knocked him out and kidnapped him. That is the most serious issue.

"The team has arrived, I hope you're prepared for this shock," she shakes my hand as a man in a black suit walks into her office. His expression is neutral and it seems cold.

"My name is Aaron Hotchner, and I'd like you to join us in the conference room," he said as he extended his hand to Penelope. "We won't treat you as a suspect or a witness, but it will be formal, Ally, what's your last name?" he asked, and I replied quickly and clearly.

Garcia remained in her office, while Aaron and I went to the other room. Anxiety was building in me because there were so many unknown people all at once. Spencer is in danger, so Ally pay close attention.

"My man won the lottery, I didn't believe him that he found such a good girl, where are you..." I already know this is Derek, we've never met, but I've heard similar comments during Spencer's conversation. I completely understand why their boss is annoyed that they are wasting his time in this circumstance.

"Garcia delivered me the paper with the last messages on it, as well as the location where his phone last picked up a signal. Spencer was near your building before anything happened to him, according to this information "This makes me feel more awful since he was so close to returning to me.

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