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SAYLAH was waiting for Masons arrival. Kind of excited to see him. Obviously the main reason he was coming over was what made her happy, but she also generally enjoyed spending time with him.

The two grew closer and closer the more they saw each other. Saylah could genuinely say that Mason was starting to become a close friend. Not something she had planned but she wasn't against it.

Her room was tidied and she had burnt a candle to make the room smell nice. She had also showered and washed her hair with her cherry scented shampoo. She felt extremely fresh.

The ringing of her doorbell stopped her mid, rearrange. She was shuffling things about a little in her room to make it look more presentable. Standing to her feet as she was previously in a crouched position, she made her way to her door.

She pulled her robe a little tighter as she grabbed the door handle, pulling the door towards her to open it. Her smile dropped when the man stood on the other side wasn't mason. It was Jadon.

"What are you doing here?" She huffed rolling her eyes.

"Came to see you." He smirked, walking in without invitation. Cocky as ever.

"And where did you get the idea that I want to see you?" She crossed her arms over her chest with an unimpressed look.

"Come on Saylah. Don't be like that." He pulled her elbow gently out of its crossed position, holding her hand in his.

As if things couldn't get worse, a knock on the open door and a sound of someone clearing their throat snapped Saylah out of her conversation with her ex.

Peering behind him she saw Mason stood. Men's LV backpack on one shoulder. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his black Nike tech tracksuit bottoms. Rolex on show.

He stood as confidently as ever as he eyed the two.

"Alright bro." He flashed him a head nod. A wink detected after.

"My brudda." Jadon turned to mason pulling him into a bro hug. Saylah watched the pair, not sure if she was dreaming or not.

"How comes you're here? Didn't know you knew This one." Jadon nodded his head to Saylah and she rolled her eyes. Breathing out.

"Met her through Delina. Just coming to hang. Delina's on her way." Mason lied and Jadon nodded.

"What about you? How comes you're here sanch?" Mason wanted to know. Feeling slightly annoyed to see him here.

"I-" Jadon began but was cut off by Saylah

"He was just going." Saylah interjected.

Jadon looked back at her with a frown and then quickly covered it with a smug smirk.

"See you beautiful." He flashed Saylah a wink and she made a disgusted face. Mason caught all of it.

"Love bro!" Jadon gave him another bro hug before walking off.

Mason stepped inside instantly, closing the door behind him. He pulled his bag off, taking off his shoes, leaving them in the hall.

𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 | 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓Where stories live. Discover now