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"MUMS LIFE, if you lot mash up my yard I will drown you in the pool outside!" Delina shouted just after Marcus had slammed his hand down on the table in frustration at Bukayo, for collecting all of the money yet again from the middle of the monopoly board.

"Watch my man getting all vexed at a likkle game." Raheem nodded towards Marcus with a teasing grin.

"He's very competitive." Lucia, his girlfriend laughed.

"It's a shame he couldn't be like that in the Liverpool game." Jude chirped causing various laughs. The girls looked at each other sipping their wine.

"Brudda that was months ago let it go." Marcus rolled his eyes.

"Bro's talking and he ain't even in the prem." mason joined into the conversation.

"Let me not remind you of who won when we played each other." Jude shot mason a flat look.

Richarlison let out a laugh.

"I don't know why you're laughing my Brazilian friend. Spurs are bones." Mason told.

"Zero trophies for years now." Declan piped up.

"Ooh the boys are fighting." Lani looked between all of them.

Richarlison grabbed mason, the pair jokingly play fighting.

"And where's West Ham on the map exactly?" Christian asked coyly as Mason and Richarlison continued to play fight.

"Woody from Toy Story's piping up. Can you believe it?" Declan joked.

"Actually we should be beating up the American. He's the odd one out!" Jude instigated.

Mason and Richarlison stopped play fighting each other and instead directed their attention to Christian, like all the other boys were doing.

All of a sudden they all ran to him, pouncing. Playfully "beating" him up.

"Swear to god I'm gonna kill you lot!" Delina stood grabbing her fiancé by his ear, dragging him up.

"Cut it out before you break something!" She snapped.

"Yes ma'am." Bukayo saluted. The rest of the boys who were in a fit of laughter now running back to their original places. Sitting quietly like school children who had just been shouted at by their teacher.

"Good luck with alla that my bro." Mason whispered to richarlison. Looking at Delina with a scared face.

"Dels you got any more beer?" Mason asked

"Yeah in the kitchen." She smiled pointing to it.

He nodded, standing up and walking to it.

"I could do with some more wine." Lucia looked at her empty glass and the empty bottle on the table.

"There's some more in the kitchen. I'll grab it." Delina began to stand but Saylah stopped her. Offering to go.

Immediately all the girls smirked at her. Knowing why she wanted to go there. She denied their claims nevertheless. Standing up and walking to the kitchen.

Mason looked up as soon as she entered.

"Hello you." He sipped his new beer, leaning back on the counter behind him.

"Hi." Saylah smiled, making a b-line for the wine that happened to be next to Mason.

She went to grab it but he snatched it up first. A playful glint in his eyes.

"Give it to me!" Saylah rolled her eyes.

"Come get it from me." He shrugged nonchalantly.

She reached her arm out to grab it but he held it over his head. Using his tallness over her as an advantage. She tried to reach for it again but he moved it out of the way, his other hand grabbing her waist, pulling her into him instead.

"You're something else." She smiled shaking her head.

"Mhm. But you love it." He moved his head forward so he was closer to her. His arm still firmly around her waist. Hand on the other side of her hip.

"Can I have my wine back please. The girls are waiting." She batted her eyelashes.

"Give me a kiss and it's all yours darling." He smirked. She was taken aback at his request. They weren't casual kissers. Casual kisses were for people in relationships. Not friends with benefits.

As she pondered on it, a silence filled the air. The only thing heard being the groups laughs and chattering from the living room and the faint sound of Daniel Cesar's 'get you' playing in the background.

A part of her sort of wanted to for some reason. But she knew that would blur the lines and make things complicated. She thought it was best to stick with the rules.

She was about to answer when they heard footsteps. The two moved apart, putting some distance between them.

Declan walked in with a big smile.

"Dels said there's snacks in here. Where does she keep them?" He asked as she searched the cupboards.

"Bottom one." Mason pointed to it. He'd been at her house enough to know where literally everything was.

"Cheers mase." Declan thanked as he grabbed a packet of popcorn and a few packets of sweets.

"You two alright?" He asked now standing up to look at them.

"Yeah all good, just getting a drink re-fill." Saylah smiled trying her best to act normal but she was flustered.

"See you lot in a bit." She grabbed the wine bottle from masons loosened hands. He wasn't paying attention to keep a firm grip on it.

Mason's eyes were glued to her as he watched her walk out. A small smirk on his lips.

"You're so into her." Declan nudged his friend.

"What? Nah." Mason snapped out of his little staring session to look at his best friend.

"She has you spun g. It's so obvious." Declan laughed.

Mason didn't reply. He just sipped his beer.

"You picked a good one brotha!" Declan patted his shoulder. Smiling at Mason before leaving the kitchen.

Mason rolled his eyes as he pushed himself off the counter, walking towards the living room.

— Rewatching s5 of Love
island right now. Honestly
the best season!

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