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SAYLAH was hopeful that the ring of the doorbell was mason. She had gotten back from her work trip a day ago and the pair had been texting throughout it. They had planned to see each other as soon as she got back.

She clicked onto her ring doorbell app to check nevertheless, noting that mason would usually give her a call when he was on his way and he had not done so.

Squinting as she looked at her phone, she saw the man standing outside was not mason. But her ex. Her ex who she had blocked recently. She had left him unblocked after their breakup because he didn't bother her and she wanted to show that by letting him still follow her on socials.

But he was becoming more annoying by the minute, constantly trying to win her back so she decided it was time to block him. Enough was enough.

Sighing she made her way to the door. Ensuring to pause her show first.

Opening the door, her face was straight as she looked at a smug smiling Jadon on the other end.

"Hey S." He greeted. Dropping in his nickname he made for her. Something she use to love but now couldn't stand. Nothing angered her more than to hear that.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?" She huffed, leaning on her door with her arms crossed.

"You blocked me." He stated

"Yeah." She nodded proudly

"Why?" He asked

"Because you're annoying." She said nonchalantly

"Oh come on Saylah. You know you don't actually feel that way." He took a step towards her.

"Yes I do." She scoffed.

"Always liked that about you. The way you'd play hard to get." He winked as she walked closer, walking right past her into her house. Uninvited.

"Get out of my house Jadon." She snapped. Annoyed at the audacity of him.

"House still looks real good." He looked around him as he made his way into the living room.

"On my life if you don't get out of my house right now, watch and see what happens to you. I'm not fucking around." Her stare was deadly.

"Alright I'll go. Chill with the evils S. you know I hate when you look at me like that." He laughed.

"And you know I hate niggas that wanna try and get the girl back now she's moved on." She screwed her face at him.

"Oh yeah. You and mason. Spending Christmas with him and all that shit. How'd meeting the parents go?" He smirked.

"None of your business. Get the fuck out." She ordered.

"Okay okay." He held his hands up as he walked out of her living room.

As the pair were in the hallway on their way to the door, the doorbell rang. Before Saylah could venture to open in Jadon beat her to it.

He opened the door, mason stood on the other end. He had flowers in his hand and was looking at them.

"Hey Saylah, can we talk I need to-" He stopped mid sentence as he finally looked up to see Jadon in front of him, Saylah behind.

She looked at the flowers and smiled to herself.

"Oh. Hey sanch." Mason greeted awkwardly.

"Hi mase." He sent him a head nod

"Sorry didn't mean to interrupt." Mason's gaze was focused on Saylah.

"No you weren't-"

"Here these are for you. Welcome home gift." He passed her the flowers to which she accepted.

"Thanks mase." She gave him a small smile. The awkwardness in the air all around them.

"I gotta help dels with something I just wanted to drop those of for you." He lied, pointing to the flowers.

"Oh." Saylah sounded disappointed. She wanted to talk to him. She had been thinking a lot on her work trip, about her feelings towards him.

She had been falling for him for a while now. It first started when he taught her how to ride a bike. That gesture in itself made her swoon. And then the feelings just continued to grow. The night they went ice skating was when she realised she was in love with him. Her feelings were too apparent for her to ignore them anymore.

"Okay." She looked down.

"I'll text you later." He smiled softly at her. Feeling annoyed that once again his plan had been ruined and by her ex of all people. What did that mean for them? Was she still into him?

"Okay." Saylah nodded.

"Later sanch."

"See ya bro."

Mason then turned around walking back to his car. He looked back once, Saylah's eyes meeting his before he turned around and continued to walk.

"That was awkward." Jadon laughed.

"Why the fuck are you still here? Go!" She ushered him out. He nodded leaving, winking just before he left.

She sighed looking down at the flowers mason had bought her, sniffing them with a saddened smile before she turned and walked back into her house. Closing the door.

— you know I love
a little bit of angst
before they get
together lmao

𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 | 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ