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SAYLAH was extremely quiet as she laid on Mason's chest. He was watching tv. Her face was turned in the direction of the tv but her eyes were focused on the floor, her mind racking over what she was worrying about.

Christmas was around the corner. The time of year she hated as much as her parents birthdays—for obvious reasons. She usually spent it with her grandparents, they'd go and place flowers at her parents graves and then have a nice cosy little dinner.

Although the day could be extremely morbid for Saylah she did enjoy what she did have and who she spent it with. However this year things were different.

Her grandparents were back home in Jamaica. She wasn't able to go back and spend Christmas with them seeing as she had a vogue trip a few days into the new year she had to go on. It was a partnership trip paid for by the brand.

Saylah had done everything to try and find flights that got her back to London in time for her trip as soon as her grandparents mentioned the holiday, but she was unable to find anything.

They still had hopes that she would be able to make it. Making her promise to find a way before Her leaving yesterday, as Christmas wasn't Christmas without her.

She was upset that she would have to tell them she didn't have much luck.

She usually spent Christmas with Delina if her grandparents weren't around. She had been to Delina's a few times. Her family loved Saylah. However this year the soon to be married couple Delina and Richarlison, were in Brazil spending Christmas with his family. Along with Delina's.

Lani was away with her family so she couldn't ask her and Jesse was spending it with his daughter, his ex girlfriend and his family. She had originally thought of asking him if she could to spend Christmas at his but then decided against it as she didn't want to intrude.

She knew he would of said yes, his family saw her as their own. The pair were more than likely siblings in another life. But Saylah didn't want to be a issue or a burden so she didn't ask.

It looked like she would be spending Christmas all alone in her house. The thought of being in that big house alone, no parents and no family made her eyes well up. She had never been alone on Christmas. Even when Delina hadn't been available she had Jadon. He had a big family and she loved it there.

Tears began to fall down her face as she desperately tried to wipe them away before Mason saw. But it was too late. He had seen them already.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked softly looking at her worriedly.

"Nothing." She shook her head wiping away her tears as she sat up straight in the bed. Mason copied
her action, also sitting up straight in bed.

"Saylah." He said seriously giving her a glare.

"It's stupid." She denied, looking over at the floor on her side of the bed.

"Nothing you could say is stupid." Mason said adamantly. Pulling her gently by the chin so she was forced to look at him.

"I'm just upset because Christmas is coming up in a few weeks...and I don't have anyone to spend it with." She shrugged nonchalantly as if it wasn't a big deal. Her tactic at remaining strong and not being seen as vulnerable.

"What about your grandparents?" Mason asked.

"Back home in Jamaica. I can't go because I have a work trip a few days after Christmas and there's no flights that will get me back here in time." She sighed

"And everyone else is busy doing their thing. I can't ask any of the group." She rubbed her forehead. Resting her chin on the palm of her hand.

"You didn't ask me yet though?" Mason raised and eyebrow.

She turned to look at him and started laughing. Which confused him.

"You probably have big family plans. I don't wanna ruin them." She declared.

"Spend Christmas with me Saylah." Mason was serious. Eyes focused on the girl beside him as he awaited her response.

"I don't want to be a burden." She shook her head no.

"You wouldn't be. In fact my family will love you. You'd fit in perfectly." He smiled sweetly.

Saylah thought his offer over. Hesitant. She didn't want to be seen as nuisance. The person you take In because no one else would and you feel bad.

"Are you sure?" She asked needing his 100% clarification.

"I've never been more sure of anything." He winked nudging her playfully.

She burst into a big smile leaping onto him and wrapping her arms around him.

"Thank you Mason!" She chirped excitedly. Hugging him tightly.

"You're welcome." He laughed.

She pulled back, still sat on his lap. A lot more calm and collected.

"I still can't believe you're being this nice." She laughed poking his chest.

"Things change." He shrugged with a smirk wrapping an arm around her waist. She grinned when she realised he had purposely paraphrased her saying from a few weeks ago.

"I really appreciate you. And this. Thank you for making my Christmas not so lonely." She touched his hand that was beside her on the bed. Intertwining her fingers with his. It was an unconscious movement that felt like second nature now they were so close.

"I'd never let you be all alone. I hope you know that. I've got your back always." His thumb rubbed her hip in rhythmic patterns.

"I know that, now." She smiled softly.

He smiled back, pulling her so she gently fell back onto him.

"Is this not uncomfortable for you? I'm literally squashing you." Saylah laughed.

"Yeah you're heavy as fuck." He joked cracking a smile.

"Oi!" She elbowed his ribcage causing him to jokingly throw her to the side.

Saylah ended up next to him. Both of them in a fit of giggles as they jokingly hit each other.

"Okay now we're gonna watch this movie." Mason pulled her by her arm, sliding her so she ended up close to him. In her original position. He wrapped an arm around her waist and she laid her head back onto his chest. Content.

— their development 🥲

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