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He doesn't remember. Why doesn't he remember? I wanted to bang my head repeatedly against the elevator walls.

Was he drunk too?

"Where were you?" Aliyah inquired as soon as I stepped inside our cabin.

This non-biological mother of mine is now going to keep my record. Great

"I was stuck in traffic," I lied again.

"Are you both dating or something?" Christ pried, piping in the conversation, and intermittently glanced at us.

"No!" We both shouted at him.

"I just felt it cause Aliyah behaves all possessively with you whole the time."

"She was the same even in the Uni," An unexpected reply came from Duke.

"So you were observing Aliyah, Duke," I mocked him. Which in return switched on his mute button.


We all gathered in the meeting room, the similar one where we had our first-day meeting. And we got a got dose of punctuality by our boss as we were late for twenty seconds. "I don't have enough time, so set your asses on the seat and show me whatever you all have made." He screamed-ordered on us.

We set our asses on the leather chairs as he said and displayed our designs on the screen of our respective laptops.

"I can't get what is that." he gave the first depressing plus disaster comment to Aliyah. Which metamorphose her exciting countenance into a painful one.

Adrian moved to the next intern and that was Christ, "Fine. But need to do a few changes. So, write it down." he said a couple of changes to Christ.

Third was a duke and his comment, "It's good, let it be. If you have anything else to add you can."

I was his fourth halt station, he looked at my design and sighed. "Where are the trees, Miss Garcia?"

"Around the farmhouse," I enunciated running my right index around the design.

"Which part of me you didn't understand when I said, our client doesn't want to let go of the trees?"

"I..." Ok, how can someone build a house in the jungle without letting go of trees?

"Remodel it." He commanded in one go.

"What?!" Is he out of his mind?

"Everyone out! I want the design till this evening."


Even though everyone left I stayed. Adrian sat back on his chair and was typing something on his laptop.

"If you leave then I have another meeting to attend here."

"Remodel?" I began, "Is nothing but I have to make a new design. And it's impossible in six hours, Mr. Martinez."

"Oh! No time!" he stopped typing and rubbernecked at me, "Instead of interfering in others' business, it would have been better if you kept quite an interest in your own, Miss Garcia."

Ok. I didn't get what he is saying.

Kenning the baffled look on my face he addressed, "Didn't you do Carter's design of the one-floor Bangalow?"

Ok. I got it!

"So it doesn't mean you order me to change my best design." I threw my hands up in the air.

"It was just a good one, Miss Garcia. And to remind you, I am the boss here." And he resumed his work of typing on his laptop. "Now leave, I am making an important presentation."

Jazmine: CEO's TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now