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While everyone was busy staring at my design, I turned around and was amazed to see Adrian.

He wore a black Aramani suit and had a small subtle. Nevertheless, he looked no less than a prince charming.

"Are you still angry about making you work again?"

I shook my head and thought to grab him with his collar and kiss him. I wished I was drunk at this moment. Cause drunk Jazmine has no ego issues when it comes to kissing her twelve-year-old crush.

"Brother." I got startled by her excited outburst and immediately whirled. "When did you come?"

"Just now."

"Did you see they selected Jazmine's design?"

"It's really not fair," Christ cried. Ali spat on his shoulder and said to shut him up. Duke Congratulated me and even gave me a side hug followed by my other two colleagues.

"Mr. Martinez," When Mr. Thompson called him out, he walked past me by tracing his fingers on my hand, which brought a sudden blush to my cheeks. "We didn't expect you to attend tonight's party. Thanks for coming," he expressed.

Adrian stared at me and immensely dropped his gaze to my lips, "I thought my interns might be missing me."

Of course. Adrian Martinez. I did miss you.

Even though he conversed with them, he didn't stop staring at me. And every passing second did nothing but increased one degree Celsius in my body.

It was impossible to handle the heat being generated in me because of that silent temptation. Waiters were roaming with finger food and drinks. I stopped a waiter carrying lemonade. I took one glass of lemonade and gulped it in one go. Which unintentionally spilled on my neck.

"Jaz!?" Ali crinkled her nose as if I am a five-year-old and she is my mom, "Go to the powder room and get yourself cleaned first."

After inquiring to a waitress about the female restroom, I walked down the hallway towards the left.

"Miss Garcia!" Ahh! That voice has the guts to freeze my heart. I turned around and stood glued to the wall.

He took a step near me. "Please, don't...come near me," I whisper-requested. Yet he walked and stood in front of me.

"You dropped drink..." his eyes swept on my cleavage where there were couples of drops sitting on each breast, and he placed his hands against the wall on either side of me. "...on your..." he ran his tongue lecherously on his lower lip and lowered his head.

I wanted to clean the spilled lemonade on my cleavage with tissues, not with his tongue. For God's sake!

"Go away," I demanded, fisting my hands. My chest was heaving dangerously. I had a fear that they might escape any moment from the neckline of my dress. And. If he doesn't leave, maybe I will end up giving him my virginity in the female powder room.

"But..." he objected, his breath fanned and warmed my skin.

"Please..." I requested. "Leave, Mr. Martinez."

"Stop testing my patience by wearing the dresses, which force me to throw you on my bed and..." he leaned further and I tilt my head away. "...make love to you the whole night." I closed my eyes, taking deep long breaths. He moved away but my big mouth will always put me back to the trouble.

"There are hundreds of girls wearing revealing dresses, why are you pointing at me?"

"Because they don't have the power to turn me on, like you. Now be a good girl and go inside to finish your business, before I change my mind."

Jazmine: CEO's TemptationМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя