Chapter - 21

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Taehyung again sighed. He can't get rid of this unfamiliar feelings.He wants to be with Jungkook without any disturb. But he can't tell Jungkook to stay from his daughter right? So he have to face it.

He stood up from the bed and walked down the stairs to join them. He have to be with Jungkook always. That's the solution.When he was on the way Jungkook ran towards Taehyung from nowhere.

"Are you okay? Can you come down?"Jungkook asked holding him from his waist.

"You know it's not my first time."Taehyung said.

"But the way you screamed last night.."

"Yaahhh shut up you pervert."Taehyung cut Jungkook's line and hit him on his chest as always.

"Ohh Tae!!! Good morning."Jieun popped out suddenely.Taehyung looked at Jungkook wondering why he didn't tell about Jieun's arrival.But Jungkook is so lost in Tae's beauty without a care about the world.Jungkook placed a quick peck on Tae's lips and lifted him up in bridal style to carry him towards the sofa.At the moment Taehyung felt satisfied. He loves it when Jungkook showoff who he loves.

As soon as Tae placed on sofa Hiro screamed

"Appa me too me too ahh."with her grabby hands.Jungkook lifted her up higher and rotated her around earning lot of giggles.Taehyung looked at them so fondly. How badly he wants a child with Jungkook ? Jieun coughed to divert Tae's attention towards her and muttered

"Looks like you had a fierce night."with a teasing grin.Taehyung just looked at his fingers on the lap being all shy.Nevertheless he again felt satisfied as Jieun noticed it.

Jungkook also joined them on the sofa and said

"You can stay for breakfast."

"No no don't. We just came to visit as you was in the hospital yesterday."

"It's okay. I'm alright now.Tae is also there." Jungkook said looking at Tae lovingly.Jieun coughed again to divert attention.

"Appa when you will come home?"Hiro asked fiddling with her fingers. She had really missed him so much.

"Princess I am here with you. Don't worry."Jungkook said.

"Noooo you are here with him."Hiro said with her teary eyes pointing towards Taehyung. Taehyung felt offended when the little girl pointed to him eventhough he had done nothing.Jungkook pulled Hiro's hand again onto the lap and muttered

"I have to be with him."Taehyung suddenely got hurt with Jungkook's words but he understood that there's no way to explain this to Hiro other than this.But still it hurts so good.

"He is not your family appa. Me and Mom is the family."Hiro said finally crying holding into Jungkook's cheeks. Jieun was so conflicted with her daughter's sudden outburst and siganled her to stop but she have no control today.Taehyung felt that these questions of her should be answered but he is not ready still.

"He is my family Hiro. Don't think much baby."Jungkook said hoping that she will stop but seems like it is too far.

"But appa you know him for a short time?"

"Time doesn't matter baby."

"That means the reason you are not coming to us is him." Hiro asked so clearly making the older three dumbfounded.

"Hiro I told you to not talk about this and not to talk to elders like this."Jieun blamed Hiro leading her to cry so loud.

"But mom you are crying everynight all alone. I can't see it and don't do anything."Jieun widened her eyes with surprise as everynight she made sure that Hiro is asleep.Taehyung looked at Jieun at a snap. He wondered if she is loving Jungkook still?

"Hiro!!!!Shut up."Jieun angrily spatted. She don't want to ruin this happy couple.

Hiro turned towards Tae and yelled

"This is all because of you.Why are you doing this?Who are you?"Taehyung can't help but got teary with the words. He can't cry due to a kid's words. He stood up hurriedly and said

"I will go to park."Taehyung understood that he can't answer these questions and also it is hard for Jungkook to answer when he is here. So Tae decided to leave.

Taehyung is now in the park on that familiar bench.He actually feared that moment when Hiro voiced out those things that should be discussed.His mind told him not to leave Jungkook and Jieun there alone but he can't resist it further. He can't help but wonder is that the way Jieun also thinking? He suddenely felt terrified as what to do if Jieun manipulate Jungkook.He stood up out of sense but again plopped onto seat trusting Jungkook.He decided to talk this with Jungkook. They can't go on with this suspense. This is the first time in Taehyung's life he got into so much problems at once.He sighed as always and diverted his mind to those words Jungkook said when is getting ready to leave all of a sudden.

"Don't get hurt by those words Taehyungie. She said all these without her right mind. I'll never think like that.For me , you are so precious."

He felt light in his mind but his inner turmoil never ceased with those words.He and Hiro is not in good terms and that made Jungkook to make a critical desicion. He got teary at the mere thought of loosing Jungkook.Taehyung wanted them to be a normal couple where there are only them for themselves.It still hurts what happened at the party and this made it even worse.He don't know what people are thinking about him , he never cares about it but still it affects him.He stood up with the thought of going back home. It is good that park is in the walking distance.

Taehyung had no idea what happened after he left. Suddenely his own house seemed strange with the thoughts. He felt like he should wait more but why? He can come when he want right?At this moment Taehyung only wanted a hug and a little 'it'okay' from his lover.

When he went closer he saw Hiro is in the garden playing alone.His eyes widene as that means...Jungkook and Jieun... He hit his fist on his head as not to think such low about his boyfriend. He is a gentleman by the way.Taehyung directly went towards the door and heard voices in the living room. Seemed like they are there. He don't want to eavesdrop but it heard him clearly and made him to runaway without waiting for any other word.

"Then what do you want to be happy Jieun?"



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D-Day is coming y'all...🥳🥳🥳
This is the right place of him.👇

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