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Chapter 5

Just when the forum in the food area caused a lot of noise because of the mysterious "custard anchor", in the cabin of the Death Star, Su Nianbai was receiving 707's incoherent and crazy chatter.

[Ahhhhhhh, host, how did you do it! ]

[This is too powerful! Oh my god, I finally don't have to worry about the dog with me, I'm so happy! ! ]

Hearing the endless chirping of 707, Su Nianbai, who was so disturbed by the noise, raised his hand and pinched the little stone man.

"Who said before that my application for this assessment would definitely fail, huh??"

Seeing 707 who was stuck instantly and blushing, Su Nianbai raised his eyebrows and read impassively.

"'I know you are very strong, but we can't be too blind as human beings'..."

Su Nianbai hadn't finished talking about learning from 707, but Su Nianbai was jumped up by 707 who was about to die of shame and anger, and covered his mouth desperately.

"Ahhh, stop reading it, I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong! I didn't know your cooking skills at that time, why don't I care more about you!!!"

Due to the emotional embarrassment and excitement, 707's words It came out directly.

In Su Nianbai's arms, the cub who didn't know that 707 (little stone man) could talk shrank his pupils, and subconsciously grabbed it with one paw.

"Hush your voice, you're scaring the cub."

Stopping the cub's powerful claw attack halfway, Su Nianbai didn't even realize that he was almost "decapitated", and was still moaning and chanting The 707, once again deeply realized the fact that "his system is a little fool".

Sighing tiredly, Su Nianbai stood up holding the cub, leaving 707 alone in the living room.

"I'll take Zai Zai to take a shower, 707, you go to prepare dinner."

"Now that the data from my live broadcast is available, you should be able to visualize the custard, right?"

[Ang, yes, there is no problem at all! ]

At this time, Su Nianbai was busy telling 707 to make more custard for the night, and he hadn't noticed the stiffness of the cub in his arms.

Until he came to the warm and bright bathroom, Su Nianbai looked at the cub that was frozen in his arms and showed resistance to him for the first time, and finally realized something was wrong after he realized it.

"Zai Zai... are you alright?"

"... Aww"

Startled by Su Nianbai's voice, the cub raised his head and struggled to break free from the nightmare-like memory fragments.

But after a while, looking at the pool of clear water in the bathtub in front of him, the cub's body stiffened again uncontrollably.

The feeling of suffocation reappeared, and he seemed to be back in the big pond that almost drowned him.

Countless streams of water poured directly into the lungs, and then continued to choke out from the mouth and nose. The more he struggled, the deeper he sank[Note 1]. The sarcasm and vicious curses were separated by a thick water curtain, and they still refused to obey. Forgively drilled into his ears.

The water flowed down with malice, as if the whole world wanted him to die, the despair choked his throat, and the cub threw up desperately, with despair and hatred rising from the bottom of his heart.

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