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Chapter 41 [One more] Dry Roasted Crucian Carp & Dried Celery

On the other side, Su Nianbai, who had no idea that the conspiracy was approaching, was still doing the live broadcast with a smile on his face.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Today's lunch is dry-roasted crucian carp and dried celery. I hope you like it!"

[Baibai good noon~]

[Baibai, have you read the news? The results of the Chef Contest in the Starfield next door are out! ]

"Huh? So fast?"

Su Nianbai, who missed the fan discussion last time and seldom surfed the Internet, was taken aback when he saw this barrage.

He tilted his head and asked with some doubts.

"I remember that the competitions in other star fields only started a month or two later? Why did the next door star field start so early?" Looking at

his puzzled eyes, he once again saw Su Nianbai's "2G Internet" appearance The fans laughed so loudly.

[Hahahaha, the game time has been changed a long time ago! Even our side has been on a few low-level hot searches, why don't you go online more often if you have nothing to do? 2333] [

I laughed to death, goose goose, what are you expecting! Even the black trending searches were explained by the little assistant in a hurry. For things like watching trending searches, don't demand so much from your children! ]

[Ham, I'm an honest person, let me explain to the children that the game time of other star fields has been changed! Just this morning, the last star field we partnered with also moved up the game time, that is to say, in another half a month, you can set off to the capital star together! ]

[Yes, the departure time is half a month earlier, in vain you pay attention to the departure time, remember to plan ahead! I don't know why it's so urgent this time, the official time has been changed again and again, it feels like sending you out in a hurry...]

After reading the explanation of the barrage, Su Nianbai finally understood the general idea.

Time, why is it so much ahead of time...

Thinking about when the person in charge of the Death Starfield contacted him recently, he told him to pay attention to safety and not to go out too much recently, Su Nianbai frowned, feeling something was wrong.

On the side of the death star field... is something wrong?

After preparing the ingredients that will be used in a while, Su Nianbai sighed, a little worried about his fans.

"Thank you for your reminders, I know."

"Is martial law about to be imposed recently? Everyone should pay attention to safety. If it is not necessary, try to go out as little as possible. Safety is the most important thing!"

Regarding Su Nianbai's exhortation, fans are naturally excited A piece of "good good".

[Don't worry about us in vain! During these months of each year, star thieves are relatively rampant, and martial law occurs every year! ]

Is that so...

But he always felt... Something was wrong...

Sighing, Su Nianbai silently increased the healing power he bet on in the live broadcast room.

Communicating online with fans across space, apart from admonishing and comforting the spirit, I feel that he can't do anything else.

But as far as mental comfort is concerned, he can still do such a small thing as increasing the output of healing powers and further helping the audience to calm the mental riots.

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