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Hello reader! 

I'm currently in the process of revisiting this work. This means changes to the storyline, character development, and overall improvement in the writing. 

What does this mean for you? 

I'll note what chapters have been updated by changing their names from Roman numerals to proper titles with names. If you notice inconsistencies from chapter to chapter, I most likely have not updated it yet. Feel free to read the old version in the meantime, although it may get confusing. 

While you wait for updates, check out my debut fantasy novel Questbearer (another project on which I'm active!)

I've been absolutely dumbfounded by the support for the original work and I hope this can be the beginning of a new chapter (mind the pun). 

To those of you reading The Changed for the first time, I hope that you love this story as much as I do. I began writing The Changed in 2017 when I was still in high school. I'm currently studying at University. Though I began writing this book before Covid-19, I think experiencing a pandemic definitely improved my ability to portray the virus depicted in the book. 

Though the virus imagined in The Changed is a complete work of fiction, some real-life comparisons can be drawn to the COVID-19 pandemic. The events of this novel are all fictional and any relation drawn between COVID-19 and The Changed is based solely on my own experience.

Thank you. 

- N.K Ansley

The Changed (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora