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I grasped Avanali's hand tightly as they wheeled a giant tank into the metal room. More kids trickled in. They packed us into the room until I was shoulder to shoulder with the others, like sardines in a can. The stench of sweat and soured breath singed my nose hairs, I breathed through my mouth to keep from gagging.

The woman in the nurse's uniform reappeared, gripping a girl by the arm. The girl was young, maybe thirteen. Tears glued her matted red hair to her face. Her green eyes met mine momentarily, flashing yellow. She was like Margo. I wanted to help her, save her. But days without food left me unable to move. I squeezed Avanali's hand, at least it wasn't my sister.

The woman was so average looking it was terrifying. How could someone who had a career in helping people leave kids for days without food or water? Her dark hair was pulled back in a tight bun and a mole rested above her snarling lip. She yanked the young girl by the arm, practically dragging her frail body. I swallowed the vile rising in my throat, I had nothing to puke.

The girl was slung the floor with a sickening smack. "Welcome all." The lady smiled. "My name is Victoria Black, I represent project living dead. You are all sinners. You should have died with the disease but you defied God's will by surviving. Therefore we must return you to him."

Whispers arose and Avanali tensed beside me. Victoria Black yanked the girl off the floor and opened a door carved into the tank, shoving her inside. The girl screams were muffled by the glass as the door was closed.

"Unfortunately, we cannot return you to God by killing you ourselves because it is against our teachings." She laid a hand on the glass admiringly as the girl slammed her fist on the tank walls. "However, we can allow you to die of natural cause. Due to your new abilities, it will take far to long to let you thirst or starve to death. But we can let you die from other natural causes, such as drowning."

I shook my head as a large pipe came from the ceiling, latching onto the tank. Water poured from it's mouth in amounts so heavy the tank would fill in a matter of minutes. Blood curdling screams filled the room, echoing about it's walls. I held back a cry of my own. Avanali buried her face in my shoulder, sobbing.

The girl swam to the top, trying to stay above the water, her breath fogging the glass. She pounded on the glass, bubbles flying from her mouth, her eyes glowing. Then she was still, her red hair floating around her like a halo.

I gritted my teeth, my eyes stinging and my jaw aching as my canine teeth extended like fangs.

Victoria Black pushed a button on the tank door, water spilled out, soaking my shoes. The water the red headed girl had drowned in. This was the death that awaited all of us. It was only a matter of time.

"These deaths will not be thought of as 'killings'," Victoria's voice was like silk, trying to calm our nerves. "But sacrifices. You are all doing the right thing. The official sacrifices will begin tomorrow when the rest of you arrive." She exited the room, leading a group of kids.

I sunk to the floor, my heart hammering in my chest.

"What does she mean?" Avanali shivered.

My voice croaked. "They're raiding a base in the inner city. We need to rest. We have to figure out how to get out of here before- well you know."

She nodded, laying her head on my shoulder. I leaned against her, closing my eyes.



"Wake up Margo." Tristan's breath hit my cheek as I sat up in bed quickly. Worry filled his eyes as he looked over his shoulder. They glowed yellow in the dark.

"What's wrong?" I whispered harshly. Moonlight cast an eerie glow through my window. He grabbed my wrist pulling me out of the bed.

"We've got to get out of here." His breathing was rushed as he pulled me toward the door. I slipped on my tennis shoes, which looked really odd with my pajamas. "What's going on?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Let's go. I'll explain on the way." His fingers laced through mine as I followed him out into the empty hallway.

"Ophelia's waiting at the exit. She heard someone scream. We've got to leave, now."

A shadow stretched around the corner wall and Tristan yanked me into a musty janitor's closet. The space was tight and a broom jabbed me in my back. It was dark but our eyes glowed due to the sheer terror.

He held his hand over my mouth, muffling my breathing. I squeezed my eyes shut, a feeling of doom sinking in my stomach.

I heard the door swing open and I screamed, thankfully his hand muted it.

"It's just me." I opened my eyes to see Shane. Though it was Shane, Ophelia's brother, the boy who kissed me, the sinking feeling didn't go away.

"What are you doing here?" Tristan asked.

"Ophelia called, said she was worried. I told her I'd pick her up. Where is she?" He asked, his teeth glowed eerily in the dark.

"She's at the exit." I whispered. Tristan grabbed my hand, squeezing. He felt it too. It's just Shane. It's Shane who told cheesey jokes and played the piano terribly. Shane.

He beckoned us forward leading us back into the hallway and towards the exit.

"I don't like this." Tristan whispered. "Something doesn't feel right."

I squeezed his hand. "It's Shane. Everything is fine." I swallowed the lump in my throat. Everything is fine. He nodded, though the worry never left his eyes.

Suddenly Shane stopped. Frozen in the middle of the hall.

"Shane?" I asked nervously. He turned around, before I could think, his fist slammed into my face. Everything throbbed as I stumbled backward into Tristan. Shane pulled his fist back and Tristan pulled me out of the way. My skull slammed into the floor, everything's spotty.

A hand grabs my wrist, yanking me up. "Margo come on!" Tristan shouts. I let him drag me forward. Everything is tilting, spinning. "We've got to go!"

"Dammit!" He shouts. There are more of them. Blurry figures, surrounding us, trapping us. An iron grip wraps around my waist, yanking me away from Tristan. I scream, trying to jerk back. Something slams into my head, a fist? It slams again. My head throbs and my body goes numb. Someone is screaming. Or is it me? 

Ahhh! I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday! I didn't get home until midnight and then passed out so yeah really sorry about that. But this chapter is pretty good, right? What do you guys think will happen next? Thanks for 1k by the way!! I'm so excited! Follow if you aren't already and vote on chapters you didn't vote on. Love you guys. XOXO ~N.K

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