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"We can take them." A tall boy murmured through clenched teeth. He ran a hand over his red buzz cut. "We're strong and fast and can heal if we're shot."

"Unless its to the head." Avanali hissed. "It's really risky-"

"-But it's our only chance to escape." Ophelia whispered, her voice was strong.

Tristan grabbed her hand. "And save Margo."

I nodded, repeating him. "And save Margo." Tristan was the same as Margo, he could heal quickly, but not just that. There was something similar about their overall aura. It was a mix of strength and hope. I could see why they connected. But after watching the way he protected her,  I couldn't help but wonder if there was something there. I'd never stopped to wonder if she didn't feel the way I felt about her. No time to think about something so silly right now though, she was in danger.

"We need a plan." My voice was low, trying to hide from the armed men.

Avanali nodded as a few others gathered around. "We're going to have to go all at the same time, overwhelm them. Maybe that way at least some of us will get out."

The boy with the buzz cut groaned. "So there's a chance some of us aren't going to make it?"

"Not a chance, it's certain." Avanali shrugged. "But if you don't want to go through with it you're more than welcome to stay here."

He took a step back, rolling his eyes. A younger girl's silver eyes met mine. "When do we go?" Despite her pale face and shaking knees, I could hear the bravery in her voice.

"On three," Avanali whispered. "One, two, three." Heat surged in my stomach and throat as we all charged in rhythm towards the firing guards. I heard the doors bursting open as some managed to make it through, vile rose in my throat as I stepped over the bleeding bodies of those who hadn't. The blood gushing from their heads, these guards were shooting to kill.

Avanali's hand grasped mine as another boy fell to the floor at our feet, the gunshots stinging my ears like a buzzing alarm.

I cried out in pain as a bullet grazed my cheek nearly missing my head, I bit my lip, my teeth drawing blood. My brain began throbbing as we pushed through the others.

After ages of pushing, we finally broke through the door. "We need to find Margo." I shouted above the shouts of the other kids. They shoved past us. Tristan appeared beside me with Ophelia.

"Where should we look?" He asked.

I pointed down the dimly lit hallway. "We can check there first. We just have to stay calm."

We began running down the hallway searching for doors but stopped at the sound of a cruel and unfamiliar voice.

"Why leave so soon, Ophie? The party's just begun."

Hey everyone! Long time no see! Good news is we hit 2k reads!! That's super exciting but bad news is we are in like 600 something place which sucks after how far we got but that's my fault for not updating in so long.... But once again I love you guys. Sorry this is another short chapter. I'm going to right some more when I can. XOXO ~N.K

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