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The memories came back slowly. The car accident, my sister being taken away from me, the pain of the bullet wound, and...Margo.

Her long dark hair brushing against my cheek as I lifted her from the pavement; tears falling from her hazel eyes as she fell asleep against my chest; her stare meeting mine in the store, before we were separated, before I lost her.

I'm in a constant state of shivering, so cold that I feel nothing. I float like a dead fish in the sea. Everything is numb. I'm paralyzed.

Every once in awhile, the door opens. In the beginning, I tried to reach the door in time. But it was exhausting. It was as if I was running on a treadmill, moving but getting nowhere.

Sometimes, I can hear them. I can hear the people who took me. They stand right outside, and if I tilt my head at just the right angle, their voices drift through the walls.

"We're going to kill them all. Why do we keep them for so long?" It was a man's voice.

"It's not God's way to murder them. They must die of natural cause." A chill ran down my spine. That was a woman speaking.

"So we're going to starve them?" The man seemed almost disappointed.

"We have another method in mind. I'll be trying it out today. Gather the children to watch. It'd be cruel to leave them in the dark." She laughed. "Quite literally."

I closed my eyes. They're going to kill me and Avanali.

The door opens.

"Get up boy!" The man shouts. I'm so weak I can't even flinch at his raspy voice. "I said get up!" I would if I could. I would tackle you and kill you.

Suddenly, I'm being drug through the water. I want to shout at him, demand he tell me where Avanali is. But my mouth is so dry, I can't part my lips.

Bright light shines through my eyelids. I close them tighter. I just want it to end.




I look up from the book Tristan gave me, meeting Shane's brown eyes. He stopped by my room everyday before he left the facility.

I closed the book putting it down on the bed behind me. "What's up?"

He shrugged, falling out on the bed beside me. "Can I ask you something?"

I nodded. He looked at me through dark eyelashes. "Are you and Tristan a thing?"

I felt my cheeks go pink as I shook my head. "No...no. We're just friends."

Without warning he sat up. "Then I guess it's alright if I do this." His lips brush mine, our foreheads touching. He kissed me, warm and soft. But it was all wrong, so very wrong. I pulled away shaking my head.

He widened his eyes. "I guess not then." He chuckled coldly. "Am I a bad kisser or something?"

I stuttered, out of breath. "It's not that... I just like someone else." Gray eyes. Beautiful gray eyes.

He stared at me a moment and then stood up abruptly. "I guess I'll leave then."

I wanted to stop him. I'd enjoyed his visits. Shane was sweet, he was my friend.

"Bye, Margo." But I let him leave...because if I stopped him he would get the wrong idea.



The new room smelled of metal. I wasn't chained to anything. There wouldn't have been a point. I could barely turn my head, much less plan an escape. I didn't want to open my eyes because I didn't know what I would see.

"Wesley?" A small voice asked. My insides swelled with hope. I opened a single eye just enough to see her strawberry blonde hair.

"Avanali." My voice cracked as tears began to trickle down my cheeks. She scooted closer to me. She was weak too, I prayed she didn't go through what I had gone through.

Her head leaned against my shoulder and I grabbed her tiny hand, squeezing it with what strength I had. I wanted to let her know it was going to be okay. We were going to get out of here and find Margo and escape all of this. I was going to make sure she was safe, make sure both of them were safe.

"I heard them talking." She whispered. "They're going to find more of us. There is some sort of base in the city. They plan on raiding it."

A base? A base for people like us? Those poor kids. I wish we could warn them.

Suddenly, the metal door swung open revealing a woman in a nurse's uniform. "It is time, children." 

Hey everybody! So here's the deal. I want to keep posting everyday but as you guys might have noticed, these chapters are a bit suckier in terms of grammar and conventions. That's because I'm just writing what the outline tells me too and not spending a ton of time perfecting every last detail. The plan is to go back and edit everything when the book is finished. If you guys want, I can post every other day so I can spend time perfecting chapters. It's whatever you all want me to do. Plus the song I was listening to for Wesley's POV part one was "Dusk Till Dawn" by Zayn ft. Sia. Love you guys. Let's keep the ratings up. XOXO ~N.K

SHOUTOUTS: @Jana4Shauna and @xXVault_GirlXx Thanks for sharing my story guys <3

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