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Someone was crying. A girl. For a moment, I was lost in a memory. Margo crying. I wish I could go back to that day and not act like a complete douche. Go back to that day and see her face, her eyes.

Avanali shoved me, nodding toward the sobbing figure.

"Are you alright?" Avanali asked her. The girl looked up at us, drawing her knees to her chest. Her eyes glowed silver for a moment before returning to blue. Matted pink hair framed her face. She wiped tears from her cheeks, nodding.

"We're with them aren't we?" Her voice shook. "Project Living Dead."

Avanali looked at me before replying yes. "How do you know about them?" I asked quietly.

Her eyes widened in fear. "I'm from O-Type, the rescue facility...we were invaded. Mrs. Doe, the founder, she warned us about them...and others."

"How many of you were there?" Avanali asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Twenty maybe?" She shook her head nervously. "I-I can't remember. I was only close with a few..Tristan, Margo."

My heart stopped beating. "Margo?"

She nodded. "Do you know her?"

"Yes-yeah. She travelled with us." Time was frozen, standing still. She was here. My Margo, was here. I've got to find her. I need to.

"I'm Ophelia, by the way." The girl said. She smiled, but I could tell it was forced.

"Avanali." My sister said, "And this is my brother, Wesley."

I nodded a hello but my head was elsewhere. Searching for Margo.



Everything was cold. I was swallowed by darkness, floating in icy water. My whole body shook with fear. I can't see. Where am I?

"Tristan!" I shout. Tears fill my eyes, sliding down my cheeks. My teeth chatter and I almost bite my tongue. "Tristan!" I sob, crying out in distraught.

"Margo!" I breath a shaky sigh of relief. "Follow my voice, it's gonna be okay." 

I roll over, flinching as the dark water engulfs my stomach.

"Swim Margo. It's okay. Keep swimming."

He grabs my hand pulling me towards him. I press my cheek against his wet clothes, letting him hold me. He runs a hand down my sopping wet hair. "I can't believe he-Shane...." My voice breaks.

"I know." He whispers. "Poor Ophelia." I nodded into his chest. She must be heartbroken. I closed my eyes wanting to imagine I was anywhere but here.

Suddenly, a stream of light beams through a door. I shield my eyes.

"Get out here now!" Someone shouts. "Get out here or I'll kill you both!" I shudder, attempting to wade through the water. But it's so cold, I'm so cold. Then I'm not walking, Tristan holds me in his arms, carrying me toward the beam of light. The ominous feeling returns, warning me. Something terrible this way comes.



The voices were muffled. I blinked twice, barely able to keep my eyes open. Ophelia and Avanali were asleep. "He's practically dead anyway. He's next." It growled. He who? My stomach groaned angrily. I hadn't eaten in almost a week, though it felt like a month. Never in my life had I felt this weak, even before the abilities. The weakness was like a knife in my side, a constant reminder that my own life was now out of my control.

The Changed (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें