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Gritting my teeth, I turned away from the needle being plunged into my arm by the doctor who either wasn't allowed or didn't want to offer a name. It wasn't her taking my blood that was the problem, it was the needle itself. It was all too familiar.

I let out a breath as she removed it. Before she could rub the small puncture with an alcohol pad, it was gone. She adjusted her mask. "I'm going to test the blood just to confirm my hypothesis, but I believe your classification is Gamma."

I shook my head. "What do you mean by that?" I adjusted myself on the metal table uncomfortably.

She typed something into a laptop on the counter. "Gamma means you have the highest rate of regeneration as well as the ability to heal others. I'd explain how you manage that but I'm afraid the terminology would fly right over your head."

I ignored her insult. "What are the other classifications?"

"Alpha and beta. Alpha's have inhuman strength and durability, however their regeneration is extremely slow. Beta's have speed, being able to move so quickly at times their particles seperate creating blurs."

So Wesley was an Alpha and Avanali was a beta. Isaac was a beta too. God, I hope they're safe.



I tapped my foot impatiently, watching people flow in and out of the street at the crosswalk. A lady with an oversized hand bag and a small dog stared at me in surprise. It was still odd for some of them to see someone my age. Our state in general had the largest death count, and since survivors were a government secret, people assumed I was one of the rare few who were unaffected.

I looked peered through the restaurant window, how long did it take for her to pee? Avanali had always been slow but this seemed a little unnecessary. She knew how important it was to find Margo. What if she had been taken by the Society of the Black Star? What if she was.... I erased the thought from my head before I could even think it.

The bell rang and Avanali strutted out. I eyed her coldly and she gave me a look of confusion. "What?" She snapped.

"We're kind of pressed for time, Avanali." I hissed, I felt my face heating.

She placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know we need to find her," Her eyes met mine. "But we also need to trust that Margo knows how to take care of herself."

I nodded. She whistled for a cab. It arrived just as raindrops began to splatter on my hair, dripping onto my face.

"Carrey Station." Avanali said to the driver. He didn't even offer a hello. I watched the back of his head, he wore a hat. Something was off. I could feel it, it was the feeling you had when riding in a car during a storm. Avanali felt it too, her fingers wrapping around my wrist tightly.

The cab slowed to a stop at the red light. Slowly the driver turned around in his seat, my heart hammered in my chest as Avanali slidloser to me. My eyes stung, I could feel them changing.

Before I could see his face, a cloud of toxin that threatened to strangle me slammed into my face, burning my eyes and nose. Avanali screamed in my ear. It was the last thing I heard.

This is by far the shortest chapter and I'm really sorry... but I wanted to post today so tomorrow's chapter will be a lot longer I promise. But there is action! Let's get to the top fifty read, comment, vote, share. Love you all! XOXO ~N.K

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